I'm Sam Foster, a video game & film composer. I'm scoring lots of indie mobile games. I have also scored some indie films and student animations. I'd love to work some more animation projects! Check out my site: www.samanthafoster.net
If interested in custom music, contact me via email or on my site's online contact form. Rates are negotiable.
Alternatively, I have a small selection of royalty-free tracks available on Bandcamp and AudioJungle:
Bandcamp: http://samanthafoster.bandcamp.com/album/royalty-free-tracks-mixed-bag-v...
AudioJungle: http://audiojungle.net/user/samfostersound/portfolio
Would love to work on another animation!
Just finished scoring some games! Would love to work on an animated short!
Looking for projects!
Looking for projects!
Looking for work!
Looking for new projects! Just finished scoring an RPG!
Looking for new animation projects to work on!
Looking for new indie projects!
Looking for work!!