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first animation

By uutf toons | Monday, February 4, 2013 at 12:08pm

This is the link to my first animation, after watching it, you'll see why I need assistance.

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

You should do some of the fundamental animation exercises. Is there any thing specific you wont to ask?

uutf toons's picture
Submitted by uutf toons on

Yes, I also would have liked to add some actual movement, which is what I've been working on recently. I have no background animation knowledge, so this was pretty much my test run to make sure I could create a basic animation with sound and then be able to upload it. I do appreciate the feedback, and I forget his exact name but ____ assassin helped me in the cafe area with all of my current questions but I'm sure once I'm a little more familiar with the program and a little better and understanding of what I need to do I'll be asking for more pointers

uutf toons's picture
Submitted by uutf toons on

You mentioned fundamental animation exercises. Are you referring to making the bouncing ball animation? That has been the only real basic thing I've found if you know of any other exercises I could do to help me that would be awesome.

uutf toons's picture
Submitted by uutf toons on

Acetate assassin is the name of the person who helped me. Sorry I felt like he deserved .his whole name in my post.

Genzai's picture
Submitted by Genzai on

Yes, bouncing ball is essential bro, if you have that. You could post the link here.

Another thing would be doing the walk cycles. :)

uutf toons's picture
Submitted by uutf toons on

yeah, I fought with the walk cycle for about a week trying to use the bone tool. I've decided to can the bone tool and just play around with moving symbols...It's still giving me a bit of trouble, but I'm sure I'll eventually get the hang of it. I'm really hoping to have a more advanced animation up by next weekend, we'll see if my schedule allows for that.

uutf toons's picture
Submitted by uutf toons on

yeah, I bet this whole process would be alot easier if I practiced the traditional way, sadly I have 0 talent when it comes to drawing, painting, sculpting, any of the artsy stuff. I would say I'm the exception to the rule practice makes perfect.

Genzai's picture
Submitted by Genzai on

everyone starts somewhere bro :)

drawing a ball is easy..that is, if we start with the bouncing ball.

i have some friends who struggle at drawing, so they went 3D. maybe you should try that some time. it takes a while but at least you'll have that point of not drawing anymore. hehe

uutf toons's picture
Submitted by uutf toons on

I plan on trying poser or maya autodesk (at least I'm pretty sure those are 3d programs) but I'm not willing to make a commitment to a program until I'm done with my contract with flash. Just trying to find what I'm more comfortable with.

Update: My new project already has 7 moving parts (as opposed to my 2 moving mouths on my first one) also do you know of a way to make a semi realistic water motion? like a shoreline? my current strategy isnt terrible, but could be better.

Genzai's picture
Submitted by Genzai on

probably go try blender it's free as opposed to maya. :)

oh, cool on that. there are a lot of things to consider when you animate stuff. Have you read about the 12 Principles of Animation? that helps a lot really.

also, i couldn't help you about the water animation. sorry. i haven't tried animating fluids.

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

yeah, I bet this whole process would be alot easier if I practiced the traditional way, sadly I have 0 talent when it comes to drawing, painting, sculpting, any of the artsy stuff. I would say I'm the exception to the rule practice makes perfect.

It is not just a rule, it the law. :D

uutf toons's picture
Submitted by uutf toons on

I will check out blender as soon as I'm done eating.

Then I suppose I'm a criminal with no hope of rehabilitation :(