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Finding Your Voice

By vveidt | Monday, January 28, 2013 at 7:39pm

We hear it time and time again, every artist has their own voice, they just need to find it. I'm at the point in my career that I'm concerned about my own voice. I came here initially to ask for advice, but I think I can be more helpful by opening a thread for everyone.

Let's use this space for any member trying to define their own work, style, voice, whatever you call it. Here, people who have already been through this can give their advice and those going through it now can post to this thread as a record of their progress. What do you say, let's mould some putty!

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

We hear it time and time again, every artist has their own voice, they just need to find it. I'm at the point in my career that I'm concerned about my own voice. I came here initially to ask for advice, but I think I can be more helpful by opening a thread for everyone.

Let's use this space for any member trying to define their own work, style, voice, whatever you call it. Here, people who have already been through this can give their advice and those going through it now can post to this thread as a record of their progress. What do you say, let's mould some putty!

Sound good to me. I wish all the new members would post something, complete project, problems with a project or what ever.

artfx's picture
Submitted by artfx on

I don't know that I've found mine yet, but I do feel I am getting really close. The influences of all the things I loved in the past, and used to try to imitate, are still there to be sure. Talking with some veterans in the field and receiving good advice has helped me a lot. Naturally, I want to do my own thing. The difficulty is in finding what is really mine.

vveidt's picture
Submitted by vveidt on

I understand your frustrations, Terrence. I decided to relax for a bit and work on an experimental (digital) painting. I'll be sure to post the results when I'm finished.

At first I was going to do some caricature studies, but then I figured I should move away from my customary character work in favour of something I typically neglect. This painting is primarily an experiment in colour.

fox render farm-3D render's picture

Maybe for all the artists,it's a time-needed progress to find their own way,just all humans' life,you know.I am still on my way to my dream,even though it always changed.