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Super High Five


This is a little rough cartoony character animation I did recently, just wondering if you guys have any feedback/tips for improving it. Thanks!

tedtoons's picture
Submitted by tedtoons on

I like the pose he hits when his arm cocks back just before the high-five. It might be nice, though, to go into it with more of a swooping, deeper arc. And I'd hesitate in mid-air a little bit longer and emphasize the secondary action in the feet catching up before landing.

A general suggestion about posting little snippets of animation tests on youtube: output your movie with several loops of the action so you don't have to hit replay so much. (which is kind of clunky in youtube since it wants to jump to a screen full of related videos at the end).

Ted Nunes -

Dirtmcgurt's picture
Submitted by Dirtmcgurt on

Ah yeah, good point about the low swooping arc. I could probably keep the arc going around when he lunges forward for the high five which would make it so I dont have to do a hold when he's anticipating. I'll try having him float a few frames longer in the air too, see how it looks.

Thanks for the tip about the youtube loops too.