Hello animators. I've a website showing animation I made in Toonboom Studio and now Toonboom Animate. I come from a comedy writing and acting background, rather than being trained in animation. So I'm interested in what animators have to say about my work.
The material is largely adult humour and so some cartoons contain moderate swearing
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I'll have to wait until I get home to view it, blocked at work. :(
How do you like Toon Boom Animate? I got it because all the features looked a lot more advanced than Flash, but I couldn't learn it in time to meet the deadline for a film festival so I stuck with Flash.
I'm hoping to get more into it, but I don't have a lot of time working full-time then working on graphics projects for the Air Force, mobile apps, etc. Need more hours in a day.
My Blog
I like your way of work,you are quite innovative..
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Thanks Dolly
I hadn't thought of myself as an innovator. Not being trained I guess I'm just
doing what I do based on the way Toonboom works. Do you have any animations uploaded or are you developing any work at the moment?
very funny man, i like the al gore one :D. how would you like to trade linkbacks to our site ?
Really good stuff. I also bought 3 licenses of toon boom for my team but these guys had some trouble with timeline. I think they r use to of flash.
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