Ted Nunes - www.tedtoons.com
Apple finally approved Fogey Fu! Adventure awaits at the iTunes store (search for "Fogey Fu").
For the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Sample at http://www.fundane.com/fogeyfu/
This was a super fun project to work on, but it turned into a heckuvalota work--more than I expected. I designed the characters and animated their misc. fight moves in Flash, but then had to export all those assets as png sequences that the programmers had to reassemble for the game play.
I'm not even a gamer but I've been testing the beta and it's a lot of fun to play. They're selling it for just .99 cents, but they are actually working on a limited, free version which I'll post about when it's available.
If anybody checks it out, let me know what you think.
tip 1: when the orderly throws bedpans and/or the doctor flings syringes at you, use the cane to block them. Keep spinning until they pass you--they didn't program a "deflection" effect yet, so they just whiz past.
tip 2: strategy--when you get to the nurse station, if your health bar is kind of low, pick the pudding to restore it. If you're good on health then load up on speed next (the hemorrhoid cream)...good for outrunning enemies when things get sticky.
Some grabs
Grrr...tried to just edit my original post but it's not letting me do that. Wanted to stick in some frame grabs.
I'll also put up some of the animated Flash bits that the programmers worked from. Interesting process.
Ted Nunes - www.tedtoons.com
sample video of game play
Finally have a video sample up from Fogey Fu. Fogey readies himself for battle with a warm up kata, then some capture of actual gameplay. (see what happens when you take the blue pill!)
Click here for Fogey Demo
Ted Nunes - www.tedtoons.com
when we take the blue pills it looks very beautiful,attractive.
Cosmetic Surgery
when we take the blue pills it looks very beautiful and attractive.
For all you Frisky Fogeys
Eh, this is a slightly late Valentine, but since I see somebody recently bumped this thread up for me, I figured what the heck?
Ted Nunes - www.tedtoons.com