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Dy.lanea's Sketchbook

By dy.lanea | Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 2:37am

Looking for work.

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ANW Sketchbook


Hello happy folk of AWN my name is Dylan and I am currently 19 years old. I began posting my drawings online last year on and resently began to also post on CGhub and now AWN!

I have become very interested in animation, I dream of directing animated features and makeing awesome movies with everyone.

I have a whole ton of ground to cover though, lets get these basics down solid so I can reach my dream.

Here is a a bounceing ball and some stuff.

Traditional 2D Bounceing Ball...

dy.lanea's picture
Looking for work. My Blog ANW Sketchbook

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Your ball bounce was ok, do not be afraid to drawn big.

dy.lanea's picture
Submitted by dy.lanea on

Wontobe: Thanks for the advice, isnt really that good when its unclear whats even there. Thought it was good when I first did. Think I was just more amazed to see my drawings move. I quickly realized how wierd it looked when I watched Richard Williams stuff XD

Did gesture drawings of a man walking in toonboom. Man walking

Some new stuff done on copy paper and photoshop. Pissed me off how I kept cutting the guys feet off. I gota draw more hands, feet and faces :D

Looking for work.

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ANW Sketchbook

dy.lanea's picture
Submitted by dy.lanea on

Gemtoons: Thanks, haven't done much animating lately to even draw big with D:

rach3: Thanks!

Been off the map for awhile! Here are some drawings from past few days. I made a blog you can check it out at

Whoooooa the uploads so tiny!

Looking for work.

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ANW Sketchbook


wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

The images blow up really well.

dy.lanea's picture
Submitted by dy.lanea on

Wontobe: Hehe ya

Carpediem: Thanks, think ill have some more in a few days!

Gemtoons: Thanks. I was thinking of studying some of Durer's drawings. Maybe they would help me out with some of the stuff you mentioned. Maybe some more bridgeman, been awhile.

Did not get much opportunity to draw today. Ill try refining these some more tomorrow. Been drawing more out of my head lately.

Looking for work.

My Blog

ANW Sketchbook



You are on the right track and I love the portrait and perspective drawings. Only thing I would suggest on the first portrait would be to maybe push the core shadow a bit darker.

Cheers. :)