Which Networking site works best

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Which Networking site works best


I just wanted to ask everyone... besides AWN, which networking site works best for your professional needs...

Is it LINKEDIN, PLAXO, FACEBOOK, MYSPACE,TWITTER. or a BLOG or some other cyberplace?

I see Facebook as more of a social thingy...but...

I also see that some folks "collect" as many folks as possible...does that really work...I have my own opinions and I just wanted to see how everyone felt about these.


Larry L.'s picture
Larry web site http://tooninst[URL=http://tooninstitute.awn.com]itute.awn.com [/URL]blog: [U]http://www.awm.com/blogs/always-animated [/U] email: larry.lauria@gmail.com

I think sites like that work best to help people who already know each other to stay in contact or as a means to quickly contact them. Facebook, I dunno. As you said, many who're on there seem to collect as many contacts as possible as a kind of status symbol. I don't think that truly meaningful exchange takes place there very often, at least none that doesn't have its origin IRL.

Larry, for strictly professional use, I use Linkedin.
I was introduced to Plaxo, and have been invited to others but I do not use them or rely on them like I do Linkedin.
I have used Linkedin to gain employment, so the networking principle does work.
I have accepted some contacts I do not know personally based on recommendations from other contacts who I do know--but most of the people on my contact list are folks I have worked with personally.

IMO, something like Linkedin is just another tool to give a talent a edge-up in getting work, and these days, every little bit can help.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Blogspot i think is the best, i've met some really nice animators and artists from there, 2nd i think is Linkedin

myspace is for teens and phishers, facebook is for dating, twitter is a waste of space on the internets

but all honesty, i use them all :D

Linked, for sure!

I'm not into the Social Thang myself, but LinkedIn has actually worked in regards to talking to biz peeps I'd not been able to talk to otherwise...!

They get my vote.
Splatman :D

I try to keep Facebook friends and LinkedIn connections separated, even though there is some crossover. Facebook does have professional groups just like LinkedIn does and the members of those groups constantly try to connect with me there.

I think its really all about how you want to use the sites. There are some I've met on LinkedIn that are self professed "LION"s there (which means Linked In Open Networker"). Those folks want to connect to as many individuals as possible as you say, almost like its a game to them. Then, there are those who strictly connect with people in their loop that they trust and work with, and if nothing comes of the connection, they promptly drop them. I know people on Facebook who are there strictly for professional purposes and use it as a tool to promote themselves and their films or projects. I also know people on Facebook who are, in my opinion, a little too open about their personal lives... sheesh! Take it to E-Harmony, people!

I view LinkedIn as my networking tool, my online resume and as my "e-roladex", all rolled into one. I'm a member of as many groups that deal with my profession and interests as possible, so I can meet and greet and ask questions. I'll connect with you as well if I think that I can help you either now or in the future, and please connect with me if you think I could help you. You can send people recommendations which are posted on their page, and if you can answer someone's question there and score a "Best Answer" (i've got one!), it only adds to your resume I think. I've only heard of Plaxo just now with your post, Larry, but I would think its a little late for them. Like Flash vs. Toonboom... everyone's already using Flash.

I view Facebook as my connection to my friends, period. I will connect to a professional there, but only if we're friends or have a friend in common. It's my stretch when I take a break and its my way of keeping tabs on my friends that are across the globe that I love and miss. I don't see how it's for dating... anything's possible I guess.

I have no idea what Twitter is... other than its basically "Facebook status" for non-Facebook people. I don't use MySpace... that place seems like its for kids.

I think websites and blogs are assumed and of course, if you have any serious presence online at all. Like Ken, I have gotten results from the "Web 2.0" sites and I think you're leaving money on the table if you ignore being a part of it. :cool:

Follow @chaostoon on Twitter!

I'm like many of you, Linked in for work, Facebook for friends. Although I do have my demo reel on Facebook. I'm not sure if you can do that on Linked In or not. Then of course there's always lunch.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

I use Facebook for all my enemies.

To keep them closer.

I keed, I keed.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Facebook for personal contacts, LinkedIn for professional.

Twitter is a blight on society - we don't need ways to further fragment our thoughts and shorten our attention spans.