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Radiohead music video

Hi, think this is the place to post this.
I've done an entry for the Radiohead In Rainbows competition, and it's up for votin here:

Please take a second to vote if you like it! Thanks!!

Jared Deal's picture
Submitted by Jared Deal on

haha, looks like you posted in here too! i saw yours earlier... really amazing. your color palette is superb. nice work dude, really great film... good luck!

ShaolinWood's picture

hehe thanks Jared, yea posted it here, thought it's a better place for "show and tell"
thanks again for the good words!

ShaolinWood's picture
Submitted by ShaolinWood on

Hi all, just found out my video made the semi-finals! So will work on an updated version asap

Quinnel's picture
Submitted by Quinnel on

the video is pretty cool, i want to see it when it's done. What does the general long for? annnd is this video pro or anti communist? (i liked the break part going with the ding sound in the song and the really short break) it seems anti through the start but at the end everyone is cheering it on, and the heart shape around the worker's fist looks more lovey than certain other communist regimes hehe.