Message By Echi Echi :D :) :) :cool:
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helloo.. everyone..i've not been on the forum for months now but now its good 2 be back postin questions and comments.
i have been "obssessed" with Macro.Flash recently and i just find it an AMAZIN program to get started on animation..i mostly been practicing techniques to get the hang of it all and also create a few mins of animation but i think i have gotten the basics right..........
i wanted to ask..can a guy earn money from making flash toons and publishing them on the net..and if so how is it curious??
You can post them on the net on places like Newgrounds or Youtube to get exposure and feedback, and eventually start looking for a distributor that'll want to pick your stuff up.
I only know the basics, not the details. My producer worries about things like that.
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I would assume that you have to create a demand of your service before you can make money with flash animation (or any animation for that matter).
Since flash seems to be the de facto software to use for online animation it seems to me the best way to make money off of it is create something based upon an idea that has appeal. Once you get a fan base (or a demand for your work), then you can start charging accordingly. If you look at such sites as or mondo mini shows, they make money (especially from merchandising and such) but it wouldn't go anywhere if their work didn't appeal in some way.
However, just because you do animation in flash doesn't mean you'll be making money. It all depends upon if you create something of value with it.
In terms of the technical side of making money with it over the internet, I can't help you much. I've known a few people who have had popular youtube animation who have been approached by a third party for either support or sponsorship, thus conceivably giving the artist money. But again, it's because their ideas were strong enough to attract viewers.