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Racattack Junction! Gallery

Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future:
I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York:


Here are some of my sketches. I'm a novice, so they aren't that good. But I'm praticing.

RacattackJunction!'s picture
Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future: I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York:

RacattackJunction!'s picture

Actually, to tell you the truth, this was was I was even I started out drawing again (hadn't drawn since I was eight):

I bet you guys were much better when you started. However, I'm thinking of revamping these characters. May be useful in the future.

Anyway, just a fanart I did for a cartoon I like. I have been practicing drawing cartoon characters lately and looking at their styles:

Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future:
I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York:

RacattackJunction!'s picture

A few more doddles I did this morning while watching cartoons and eating candy:

Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future:
I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York:

RacattackJunction!'s picture

Just a lame drawing of a house. I wish I was a better artist, but oh well.

Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future:
I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York:

Cobster's picture
Submitted by Cobster on

Welcome Racattack!

These are a great start, we were all novices at some point. I like your sense of fun with the characters, your car drawing suggests that you may want to think about drawing in 3D forms. For example, draw the car shape constructed out of box shapes, it may help with your perspective. But well done for drawing one, I find them too difficult :)

Looking forward to your next post,

Visit my website:

Claire O'

RacattackJunction!'s picture

Thanks for the advice with the car. I really needed help with that. Last night, I decided to take a knack at drawing a character from another cartoon along side my own creation:

Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future:
I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York:

Z's picture
Submitted by Z on

On a technical level, you're better than where I was when I started out about 2 and a half years ago. Draw endlessly, draw from life. That's all I can say. But always have fun with it.


RacattackJunction!'s picture

Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future:
I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York:

Z's picture
Submitted by Z on

(hadn't drawn since I was eight):

I started drawing when I was fifteen, after not drawing since I was about eight.

I bet you guys were much better when you started.

Not true, everyone sucks when they start. (okay, I know that sounds a bit rude, but I don't know how to word that differently. :P)

Anyway, I was about your level when I started drawing two years ago, don't worry about it, and keep practicing.
