A "Hello!" From Seattle
I can't believe that I am finally a part of the AWN forum (I feel so grown up:D ). Well here is here's a sampling of work for your viewing pleasure or displeasure, which ever it might be. This way when you see me around you at least know my background, who I am, and what I'm up to, etc, etc. Let me know what you think (feedback is ALWAYS welcome) and enjoy!
(BTW - Thanks again for letting me be a part of your AWN community)
Thanks for the welcome and feedback fellas it is greatly appreciated:)
Phacker: Well thank you! I hope it turns out well. Yeah, it's just a sound clip for now, but I do have 2 sections of the synch done I'm just trying to get the bitmap layers to look right without using either Flipbook or Toon Boom. Sometimes the Flash "multiply" blend mode just doesn't look right with bitmap images:( Oh well I will post the roughs for you tonight.
Animated Ape: Thank you too! As far as the audio I know I have comitted an audio cliche cardinal sin but I think that the animation kinda saves it; yet I will await your proffessional opinion for the final verdict. I think for my next lip synch I'm going to grab a dialouge section from either "Bottle Rocket," "Rio Bravo," or "A Fish Called Wanda." Do you have any other audio suggestions? Your feedback is ALWAYS welcome.
Okay that does it for me. Thanks everyone for the feedback again, every bit is very much appreciated.
I look forward to seeing your animation. As for audio clips, just choose one that has some good emotional subtext to it. This will give you lots to work with. Kevin Kline in Fish called Wanda should have some good lines like that. Esspecially when he's acting nice but hates who ever he is he's talking to. Personally I like to record the audio clip then not look back at the source again. That way I won't be swayed by the actor's version.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Awsome Work
You really have some awsome work in your portfolio. I am amazed at your story of learning animation. It'd be nice to pick up a community college brochure and see an animation course instead of the usual life drawing offering.
Even though you're a motion graphicist you should not stop animating whatever comes to mind. I hope to see some more work from you, if you have a chance stop by my site. I had to learn a little actionscript but I got the thing up in a little under 2 weeks!
Hey Lensman!
Thanks so much for the feedback and I am glad that you liked the site. Good luck on the ActionScript tip; just wondering, but are you learning AS 2.0 or the latest AS 3.0? The fastest way that I learned AS was lynda.com. It is fabulous and will help expedite the learning process believe me! Good luck on the scripting and thanks again for all of the kind comments:)
Welcome to AWN, I am still downloading your clip. How big is it? Looks promising. Am I just downloading a soundclip, or have you already done the lipsync?
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Welcome to the AWN Forums, and nice work on the music video Blair. The character animation works really well with the photo collage backgrounds. I look forward to seeing the bunny animated. I'm not a big fan of audio being pitched up, but that's just me.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."