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Hi everyone,

I've been using the book ‘Developing Digital Short Films’ by Sherri Sheridan. It has a wealth of information about everything from visual metaphors to narrative sound design to digitally enhanced story techniques. Recently I found her DVD workshop (found it through a bunch of YouTube samples posted online) on how to write a great script - and just ordered that.

Does anyone else have script writing resources that they'd like to share? I love getting new inspiration and information on developing characters, themes and storylines.

Check out the sample YouTube files online for the workshop I ordered if you like. I've been getting a ton of inspiration from the samples she's posted.

All in all, there's about 90 minutes up.

They are also launching a new online movie studio called with lots of tips, tutorials, funding and articles on no budget filmmaking.

Good stuff!

What's your 'good stuff'?

Thanks daivanati! It's good to see another animator who cares about storytelling instead of just beefing up their demo reel! Those kind of animators are everywhere. Some make more than others because they can operate a pencil a little better or know who to suck up to, but they're all basically going to sit in a cubicle and animate exactly what they're told to. They'll spend their whole professional lives drawing in the style that some imaginary corporate sponsor would find least offensive. Story talent makes a huge difference.

ve the audiobook version of Story by Robert McKee. I've read the book, and I like the audio version better. It started as a seminar, so it works well in that form. McKee's pretty pompous in tone, and I doubt if he's that good of a screenwriter himself. But the theories in Story predate him. He mentions some of the writing instructors he used as reference. And the book's about three quarters solid advice on dramatic structure and pacing. And even if you plan to do satire (like me) and turn a lot of the conventions on their heads, you have to know what they are first.

I'll go check out those links, now...