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Pratt Institute???

By JaysMarie | Friday, April 27, 2007 at 11:41pm

i am currently attending academy of art university in san francisco, and i will be starting my second year here next fall. i have heard about pratt institute in new york though, and i have been checking it out. it's a lot more expensive than academy of art, but i understand that it's a really amazing school, and they actually have a traditional animation major, unlike the academy. does anyone know more about pratt or have suggestions as to if it would be a better school to attend?? thanks!

BrioCyrain's picture
Submitted by BrioCyrain on

Not really sure, but my focus was finding a school that already taught classical/traditional animation in the first place.

Animation writer who loves...Animation!

moot's picture
Submitted by moot on

Stay at Academy. They have had a good record recently with creating some great graduates. If Pratt has a traditional program, and no one has heard about it, then chances are it's not all that great. But of course you get out of your education what you put into it.


Big Hache's picture
Submitted by Big Hache on

I've heard of Pratt's animation program and from what I understand it's supposed to be pretty top-notch along with the rest of the school. I don't have first-hand experience with them this is just through the grapevine talk.

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

If you want a traditional program and want to stay in the Bay Area, look into San Jose State's animation program. It's part of their illustration department and is starting to attract national attention.

JaysMarie's picture
Submitted by JaysMarie on

thanks everyone for your advice! this is really the only place i can get accurate advice about animation, and i really appreciate it!:D


DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

Jenna, if you haven't already done so, consider joining ASIFA-SF. We have a terrific chapter with all kinds of events throughout the year. Just this past Sunday there was a "Careers In Animation" panel discussion held as SFSU with panelists from Tippet, Wild Brain, and Leap Frog. Any of our meetings is a great place to connect with animation professionals, students, and fans.

The website is www.asifa-sf.orgi