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Kudos to the Simpsons

By phacker | Wednesday, April 4, 2007 at 7:57pm

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

I don't watch the Simpons regularly, but just caught the episode where Homer is trying to bond with Maggie. It came to me. The main thing they have going for them is they have stayed true to characters and storyline.

phacker's picture
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Kazmierski's picture
Submitted by Kazmierski on

I am the biggest fan of the Simpson’s it has been my dream/goal to work on the Simpsons in any way for the past 10 years, (since I was in the 6th grade) I am now attending community college near Chicago for a Graphic design degree And am planning on attending Colombia College for some animation classes soon.

So when ever I see people talking about the death/end of the Simpson’s I am sadden because It is such a big part of my life and I don’t want to see it go, however I know that once Futurama returns it will be able to fill the void to an extent and I would feel just as satisfied working for Futurama.

RTP's picture
Submitted by RTP on

I don't watch the Simpons regularly, but just caught the episode where Homer is trying to bond with Maggie. It came to me. The main thing they have going for them is they have stayed true to characters and storyline.

Yeah, gotta agree it's been very good how they've managed to keep the stories character driven, and put 'out-of-touch' sceanrios from what a real family would relate too, as a 2nd formula. 'Course inevitabley as the years have gone on, they've had to look elsewhere for more stories, so it's lost a lil bit of it's spark compared to the great earlier seasons. But it's still one of those programs that you feel the urge to flick on when you see it there in the ol' TV Guide listings...

But like everything, it can't go on forever. So i'm kinda sensing the end of The Simpons on the horizon, as I can't see Groening letting his brainchild wane into the depths of rating oblivion for a few extra cashdriven seasons. But what an end it's gonna be, I can't wait for the Simpsons Movie this summer, tis gonna be great.

Anyone reckon it's gonna top Shrek 2 on the alltime grossing list? Has got the potential...

________________________________Perpetual Motion________________________________

sherbalex's picture
Submitted by sherbalex on

creative consultant matt groening. makes me wonder how thick the dust is on the door to his office. havnt given a damn about any new eps in forever. might see the movie.


moot's picture
Submitted by moot on

Just for speculative purposes....

Do you guys think that The Simpsons will jump the shark after the movie is released?

I mean, I love The Simpsons as much as everyone else, but you have to agree that its time is nigh.


RTP's picture
Submitted by RTP on

But like everything, it can't go on forever. So i'm kinda sensing the end of The Simpons on the horizon, as I can't see Groening letting his brainchild wane into the depths of rating oblivion for a few extra cashdriven seasons. But what an end it's gonna be, I can't wait for the Simpsons Movie this summer, tis gonna be great.

Defo, every interview I hear with the cast (voice cast especially), it seems the love is no longer fully there ('cept for that last pinch of the green aka The Simpsons Movie)

________________________________Perpetual Motion________________________________

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I hope it stays in syndication, because I think I'd miss that yellow faced family if they dropped in to oblivion.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Spoooze!'s picture
Submitted by Spoooze! on

I haven't seen a lot of the new eps but I really like the older ones and the new ones that I've seen.

And I can't wait to see The Simpsons in full animation and outside of the limits of TV animation!
If anything, the movie will be worth seeing for the beautifully done animation alone.