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...of abominations unto art itself. Heh - I'm modest. Not... :rolleyes:
Thought that this'd help me break out of my lazy streak - and get more support for my work. Aside from the people at uni, and my family, of course. It always helps to entice oneself when getting out of a [several year long (:o)] rut of laziness. This thread will encourage me to produce work. Perhaps I can even show my uni work here too. :)
Here is a little something I made a year and a bit ago, about December 2005...forgive me for the intro screens if they're a bit long. I just wanted people to have enough time to read them back then. I used Adobe Premiere to create the cycles you'll see (and because of the medium I used...hopefully the shadow-effect compensates for...well, you'll know what I mean once you've seen it - I can't find the words to describe it):
I'm at uni in the morning, so I could scan some more of my work in. Heh, I'm especially planning to share my current projects. I'm trying to rectify my uni studies after (I claim, but my lecturers don't seem to agree) I messed uni up. I'll be exploiting what I call semi-rotoscoping. That is, scanning in images from Edwaerd Muybridge's work, outlining them in Flash, then looking at how I can bring life, etc, to them...I can animate, but have only recently broken out of mechanical animation. It isn't the method that matters, it's the final product (and I intend to find it in myself to exploit character, etc to bring something to the outlined individuals). I'm also spending a module on character development, creating an opossum in 2D. That will be a journey into giving him personality, etc, for me...loosening up again, fleeing from my mechanical side.
EDIT: Any feedback is much appreciated. :)
[QUOTE=Kaidonni]..That is, scanning in images from Edwaerd Muybridge's work, outlining them in Flash, then looking at how I can bring life, etc, to them...I can animate, but have only recently broken out of mechanical animation. [QUOTE]
I'm a Muybridge fan as well, you might like this:
Check out Copenhagen Cycles, he had several of these set up a Sundance this year... trippy to be in a room surrounded by these... I couldn't help but be reminded of Muybridges work.
Anyway, if you like it, theres a short video of the artist speaking with Robert Redford here:
I like the animal movements you made, was that in Flash, or what? Pretty interesting look to it, I wish the heads moved with the body, but none the less, I liked it!
The animals were by tea leaves on safety glass, right under the camera, then and there. Just mucked about with the frames in Premiere afterwards (when it took me three hours just for that horse out of the Muybridge books, LOL...).
Just messing around getting to know Sketchbook Pro. I have never ever done a sketch from a card on computer like this before, least of all added colour.
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An update on Melville in that lab...
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Decided to have a go at lighting in this scene, making it more atmospheric...
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Couldn't get into uni today because the bus didn't show up (I would have wasted 45 minutes from then on out on my journey), so couldn't scan anything in, and scanner at home isn't hooked up (not my computer, so...).
Been trying to improve my animation quality, and decided to settle on Flash for a walk cycle. Not sure how good it is, but I'd like all the feedback I can get. The following video is a first pass (just the legs and feet).
The quality of .avi files in Flash sometimes...ugh...anyone know how to improve it? Thanks.
And, and like I said above, please give me feedback. :)
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Scanner hooked up, so some likely much awaited work you probably want to see...
Unfortunately, I forgot to check greyscale instead of colour (photo) for the second one and third one, so decided to finish them off that way.
I have six packs of Heritage Playing Cards, and decided, in an effort to improve my drawing, to go through each card of each pack...LOL...about 324 cards there, but some are repeated, so a little less...LOL. I'm trying for one a day. I figure that I could do lots of little studies, drawings, sketches, etc, and do more focused ones too. These cards provide me with a great challenge.
Hopefully someone can give me some feedback (now that I have more work here, eh? Bet you never thought it'd happen).
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Oh, and Melville revisited...
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Okay, y'all deserve an update, so here are some pics of the character I've been working on at uni. Others will follow. Any feedback is, as I said earlier, much appreciated (and wanted).
I named the guy Melville. Been working on the 'physicality' of what his head looked a rather rigid manner. I'm happy with what he looks like thus far, and have proceeded to draw other drawings with actual character present (I made him upset earlier...;)). Oh, and he's an opossum.
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Here is a new WIP on Melville...
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I've tweaked the pic some more now. And added an evil scientist :p.
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Long time no post...still haven't scanned in my work or got a scanner hooked up to this computer...
Anyhow, this is an example of the character I've been working on...Melville...created in Photoshop with my brand new graphics tablet. :D
EDIT: Did I mention I like encouragement, feedback, etc? ;) Even with so little work actually on the computer, I need every little bit of help I can get...;)
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More of those card drawings done now...
This one was on Saturday:

I'm not too miffed about it, to be honest. Messed the shading up. Just isn't my best, really. Seems to be too fat, too. Messed up the belly. It was an upside down drawing, too.
Now this one, yesterday, Sunday:

I absolutely love the Sunday drawing. The shading...I don't know how I managed to do it so well compared to the actual card. I just did. I even had to get the pack of cards out of the drawer multiple times because I felt the urge to touch it up a little more each time...LOL! That was AFTER I dated and signed it, but still firmly Sunday. And this was no upside down drawing, either...
I didn't copy the water properly, but instead decided to do my own take on the reflection. Works just fine. After all that shading...the only imperfection would be that 'R'...isn't it a little squashed? :D
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