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Independent animator wannabe

By ace | Friday, January 19, 2007 at 8:26am

Hi I’m new to the forum. I need a little advice about a problem I have. I want to do something in animation. It just don’t I have no clue how to get started in the business.

I went to college. Since there was no animation taught where I live at I thought I get a bachelor in communication: film and video production. That helps me when it come writing, storyboarding, and editing animated series.
I went to another school to learn more about 3d modeling. I got an associate degree in multimedia. It went okay but I didn’t learn what I needed to secure a job. Especially, when schools are teaching more advance techniques. The program I used was 3 d max. I can do the basic modeling. I just can’t do real detailed work.

The good thing about getting all the education I am very versatile when it comes to any media. I really prefer 2d animation. I am trying to combine 3d and 2d animation. I got a program that does 2 d animation. The animation program is cut out animation based. I also got a program that help create 3d modeling scenery. I create the character using the 2d animation program and use the 3d modeling program to do the background. I even got plenty of animation books to help me.

I like to create my own animated series one day. I just do not know what to do from this point. I would like some advice on what to do next?

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

Anybody who ever got a job in the industry had to show a demo reel of their animation. It sounds like you have lots of tools at your disposal - your next step is to get busy using them and start creating some footage. Do some basic exercises to get your feet wet: bouncing balls, walk cycles. Go through the animation books you have and study the techniques of animation.

Once you've got a few things completed, show them off to others to get feedback. One great site for critique is . Take the crits to heart, learn from them, and improve your work.

The sooner you get started and the more you work at it, the faster you'll get where you want to go (or at least get on the way). Good luck, and don't hesitate to ask questions.

ace's picture
Submitted by ace on

thank for you suggestion. I have a portfolio that include figure structure drawings, character design, and a comic book I created. I also have a 3D model animation. I put on called Meteor. The project is where I combined 3d modeling with after effect. The url address is

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

You should place more effort on the animation itself and less on sound, compositing, and effects (unless one of those is what you're interested in pursuing.) The clip you showed is a typical first effort, but there's really nothing there that would interest anyone who might employ you.

Keep at it - this is a skill that takes a while to develop.