When i say worst animated film ever i mean both "Which Animated film was a complete steamer i.e godawful" and "Which film had the worst animation"
1. Beauty and the Beast.
Although the animation in this film was jaw dropping i beleive it was at the point where Disney became more of a young girl based audience. With true love and happy endings.
2. Hunchback of Notre Dahm 2
Awful compared to the first one, Disney should hang there head in shame.
Wow, ANOTHER war i missed.
You guys need to publish a schedule. :)
But, on the topic... Quest for Camelot.
I mean... parts of it weren't even inbetweened... come on.
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The acting quality can drastically change a show. Any more points you want to Futilely reject?
Out of curiosity, do you understand spoken Japanese?
I've never understood this argument. I mean I understand it if you understand Japanese, but I don't, so I have to read the subtitles. When I read the subtitles, I'm just reading them. I'm not acting them out, so I'm not giving as good a performance as even a watered down dub. Besides, I'd rather watch the animation then read the subtitles. Just my two cents.
Oh, blue, Meriwether is talking about Harvey, not you.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Walgreens junk
I have to say that the worst animated film(If video counts) was a movie of Alice Through the looking glass that I bought at Walgreens for 3 bucks. I knew it was going to be bad but with voices like George Gobel, Jonathan Winters, and Phillis Diller, I thought just maybe... It was so bad that it was funny. The George gobel figure of Humpty Dumpty looked erie and evil. A few drawings were missing clean-up lines entirely and even a few scenes colors did not match from scene to scene. It was wierdly entertaining just because it was so bad. Check it out!
I dunno if I said this or not but Disney's "Atlantis" was pretty bad.
"All Dogs Go To Heaven" was another. Those both have redeeming qualities such as the animation.
I saw "El Cid - The Legend" from filmax for the first time tonight. To my mind, artistically and technically it's pretty solid and above average - but I absolutely hated the writing!
First off, I haven't busied myself with the Spanish national hero Rodrigo Díaz, or El Cid, ever before. Maybe this is part of the reason why I had such a hard time getting certain elements of the plot. I also think, however, that it's got to do with the movie's uneven structure and that there are too many historical and fictional characters which only get superficially introduced. I just couldn't "bond" with the vast majority of them.
Plus, I found the animal and human sidekicks horribly cliché, the (English) dialog sucked, the subplots were even more hastily told than the important events and their means of worming their way around visual blodshed and epic battles was just plain unconvincing. (Almost every swordfight in the movie ends with a punch to the opponent's face.) The historical conflict between Christianity and Islam in that movie? Just forget about it.
Please let them release Nocturna soon and please let it be as good as the preview material suggests!
It seems none of you have seen Aero-Troopers. They had an amazing cast but just went nowhere with it. The story was weak, and the characters were boring.
I urge you to rent this movie so you can see how bad it really is.
One word: Thundercougarfalconbird
ive seen this one called "valhalla". pls dont watch it.
In case it's that 80s Danish feature, I resent the sentiment! Haven't seen it in over ten years but I liked it as a kid. Hum. I really should watch it again, only I have no idea where to get a copy ...
It would have been my first animation:-)
"The Land Before Time" ---so disgustiungly gooey and sweet it gives me cavities.
"Hercules" liked the style, but Herc himslef was a terible design and the story was lackluster.
Final Fantasy---PLEASE filmakers, one can only marvel at "realistic hair" for only so long. The characters died acting wise the first 30 frames they were on screen. Definitely horrible 3D.
Don Bluth's "Thumbellina". Completely unwatchable. My son even hated it, and at 6 years old, his was not the most discriminating taste...
wabuu, the racoon
it's so bad it's unbelievable.
i'm not kidding. it's the worst. by far.
someone needs to check out Hanuman by Silvertoons in India. it has had an India wide release 5-6 weeks ago.
There is sketchy animation at best. Stiff, limited stuff, inconsistency in colour, some bits are great and some are horrible. The resolution has been missed and you can see pixellation and even clean up lines are missing.
it has been put together at best.
best part is though the kids are so starved for an indigenous release that the film has pulled in $2.5million so far. to say nothing of related merchandise
Anything directed/written by Don Bluth ranges from the mediocre to the absolutely awful, in my opinion. Strictly as an animator, though, he is extremely gifted.
The WORST Animated movie is: "FERN GULLY"
It just Blows - PERIOD! LOL!!!!
If you think Ferngully is the worst animated movie, then you simply haven't seen very many animated movies; because there is some real crap out there. :eek: PERIOD!!!
I don't know about the worst ever, but -- you are SO right, Ferngully DID totally blow. I had forgotten about its entire existence until I read your post. Blocking out the trauma, apparently.
Every Dragon Ball Z movie. All 13 of them. :(
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I liked Hercules. It was a farce based on the myths....but I suppose if you're a greco-roman mythology purist....Has there ever been a good movie based on the myths? Steve Reeves or Lou Ferrigno, anybody? That's probably why they went the other extreme. I agree, I wouldn't show this in school.
"Christianized"? It takes alot more to christianize than simply using Black gospel style music. I did feel that was incongruous, though.
Any movie with James Woods in it can't be a worst movie. :p
... and how could Disney have left out the scene where Hercules kills his family. That was simply delightful. :eek:
Disney has always tampered with stories and fables.
I don't see how anyone can hate Hercules more than The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Disney's Pinocchio was very different from the original story. They basically chucked the whole original dynamic out the window. Pinocchio in the written story was an inhuman creature, killing his cricket friend and intentionally causing havoc: kind of like Chucky. [i]("When you wish upon a ..." *splat*)
The original Tarzan book was racist colonialist propagada, and the title character was this thuggish Nazi-esque uberman, snapping the necks of sub-human tribesmen.
But I wouldn't blame it so much on Disney. It's really just the entire Hollywood aesthetic. They want to make movies that vast audiences will stomach, not just literature purists.
Hercules was another one of those films I really expected to hate. I blame the Michael Bolton music video, and the promotion, and the unrelated television series. I think it turned out to be one of the best Disney productions of the nineties. It has one of the best villains ever, and it looks incredible. The one thing I thought didn't work was the satire bit with Hercules endorsing various modern day products, but that's not a big deal.
I know you haven't seen it to the end, and I don't want to spoil it for you but they don't crucify him. They didn't so much christianize it as have it conform to the aesthetic of clear cut good guys and clear cut bad guys. I think it can be more interesting to blur that line, but in a hollywood film, and a disney film, it's what's expected. Hercules is no exception.
And Hercules is so much better than the two films that came before it: Hunchback of Notre Dame and Pocahontas. These also sanitized their source material, but with inferior results. Hunchback almost worked, and the backgrounds were terrific, but aagh the bland american voice they gave Hunch' and the bland character design of everyone else in the film. The old B+ W film totally overshadows it.
Quite true, quite true. I harbour a soft spot for Hercules, or rather its satirical design approach which, luckily, is reflected in the movie's writing every now and then, and Hades' grand voice acting and character animation. (Megara isn't the worst animated chick, either.) I talked to Nancy Beiman about her work on it once and she blames Michael Eisner for many of the sanitized plot elements. (They originally had a much cooler end written for Hades.)
Disney and authenticity? Well, let's just say that the movie is still more "authentic" than the live-action TV show starring that former booze peddler, Kevin the Barbarian.
I too like the design of Hercules.
It was designed by Gerald Scarfe ( http://www.geraldscarfe.com/showgallery.asp?work=Disney&f=1 )
who also designed the animation for Pink Floyd's The Wall concert.
I would have liked to have seen Disney's film look even more like Scarfe's work.
I sort of get what you are saying although I wouldn't use "christianize". It's been a while for me but the archetypes of good and evil are in mythology. It's fair to say that Hades schmoozy seductive qualities is alot like the Satan of the New Testament. That is closer than the Zeus character is to God in the Bible. Nik Ranieri who animated Hades is indeed a Christian. Though, On the whole I would say it was "hollywoodized".
So I get what you are saying.
I had a polite debate about Pocahontas on another forum. My point was (not that I was expecting a documentary) that it was so removed from history that she, the title, could have and should have been named something else. But Disney does this to own a stake in popular legends. All they want is to own the name and that name to be associated with them and their products. The fairy tales are a good example. Say any of those titles. it's the Disney version you think of first.
Ha! By FAR the worst animated movie ever is one of those CG Barbie movies. The animation is disgusting- it looks like they got halfway through the process and left off, and the motion is jerky and unrealistic, and unpleasant to look at. Those films look like some kind of bizarre experiment. Not to mention the horrible sappy plots and irritating characters, that happen to be exactly the same in every single movie, but wearing different outfits. Awful awful AWFUL movies.
... how many of them have you watched? :D
I bet she was one of the animators who worked on those films.
To RobynLari: No offense, BTW, if you aren't.
PS: The animation isn't downright horrible, just pedestrian. But the content is absolutely awful -- I just don't see why my little sister likes them so much.
Me? Hahaha, no, I'm not. I've seen a few of them, enough to realize that they're basically all the same, and all rather awful. Mostly I saw them when I was babysitting...
I didnt enjoy Beauty and The Beast at all, althoug the animation was brilliant. But i would also agree with the Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within quote.
it's funny - as soon as i read the 1st post in this thread i though - RALPH BAKSHI - LORD OF THE RINGS! then as i read on i saw that bakshi has left a legacy of dislike that has spanned many years. people still remember. i saw this horrible film when it came out and shortly after bakshi spoke at NYU where i was studying animation (1978-1982). i went to hear him speak to see if he would apologize for ruining a good story, but he truly was an evil hack - just a businessman. it was gratifying to hear the audience hassle him. i left the industry after a brief period of freelancing and until recently haven't watched anything but mainstream animation. thanks to this forum, i've only recently rekindled my interest in independant & all animation, so i don't have the wealth of years of watching animation that many on the forum do. i figured that in all these years, there must have been several films that could rival bakshi's horror. i find it curious that his enduring crud still has such an evil power after all these years.
can you elaborate on Ralph Bakshi and how the audience reacted to him?
sorry if this is a hijack.
i don't recall real specifics, but i do remember his talk going along as one would expect, then someone asked an uncomfortable question about quality or something like that. it sort of opened up the crowd to asking morre & more of those type of questions. he got really uncomfortable and it really soured the talk, which didn't bother me.
I'm a big fan of Bakshi and his works. I think they look really fresh and I love the way he mixes animation, rotoscoping, and hi-contrast live-action to both cheapen down production and also create an exquisite look. Most directors, with the same money and time restraints that he had, would have made much worse films.
I'm also very grateful to Bakshi for producing that crazy 1980's Mighty Mouse series, that brought texaveriesque animation back to TV shows.
I fully understand why character animators hate his movies, but I must insist on defending his work, simply because I think that "things are not that simple" :)
Quite a few movies mentioned I haven't seen because I had no interest in seeing them. As for the movies I got suckered into watching... For God aweful animated feature, I'm going to go with Don Bluth's "Titan A.E." Although story wise, "Robots" comes pretty darn close. As for worst animation, my vote's for "Final Fantasy:Spirts Within." Yuck! With "Heavy Metal" being a very close second.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
"Aweful"? That's a brilliant portmanteau! Mind if I add it to my nonsense vocabulary?
Haha Jabber. Of course you can, but only if I can add "portmanteau" to my vocabulary. And who said poor spelling is bad?!
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
i think
i think it would be Quest for Camelot:p it is poorly made and is a stupid movie
Not a good movie to be sure. I'm always amazed at how well the two-headed dragon sidekick character was animated throughout the movie compared to some other characters in it.
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