We are looking for a storyboard artist for the action adventure 3d animated series Angel Wars: Guardian Force... see www.angelwars.com for more information on the content.
It is made in 3d but has a very 2D anime sensibility about it in style and action. The action is heavy in special powers, sword fighting, and vehicle battles/chases...
We like the style of action in for example:
Cowboy Bebop
Ninja Scroll
Samurai Jack/Clone Wars
Samurai Champloo
Teen Titans
samuari 7
GI Joe Sigma 6
Dead Leaves
Karas: the Prophecy
Ghost in the Shell
Must understand: the efficiency of anime, sword play - stylized and very choreagraphed with strong poses and holds, rapid cutting, utilizing speedlines and stylized backgrounds in some cases... very anime. More choreagraphed than most US produced animation such as say Batman. Very high energy...
very fun project.
EDIT: aparently the above statement has been taken as meaning low paying... that is not the case. We are looking for the right fit and will pay for it...
format of 22 minutes. Possible openings for feature length animated film if you fit well with the style we are going for.
Please email wang@backyardentertainment.com with resume and portfolio scans.
Uh fellas, I really, REALLY detest clicking a page link and being taken to a page that immediately wants to load a active-x thing onto my computer.
You might want to warn people about that BEFORE they visit.
I was intrigued up until that point, and I've got 17 years experience as a 'board artist. I'm gonna pass.
Just as a point of note here, you understand that what you are asking for means that any kind of 'boarding with these kinds of parameters means the artist is going to be demanding a lot of $$$. This is might be "fun" stuff for you, but this would be a demanding job to say the least, since you seem to be very specific about styles. I hope the pocketbook is prepped and ready........and I've seen no mention that this is a paying gig......yet.
Keep in mind that what you want, if its a 22-minute TV-show format ( example) is going to cost out at around $15,000 to $17,000 to get the "look" you've mentioned. For feature-film length ( 60-90 minutes) look at $30,000 to$50,000.
If you want this done for free or really cheap.........dream on.
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
Active X? what are you so angry about? im sorry i do not know what that is. i did not design the website. i was unaware of any requirements for viewing it. i am not sure what you are referring to, but i apologize if something was an inconvenience to you. please elaborate so i can avoid any problems in the future...
We have a good budget for storyboarding, and i am not sure why you are so upset and jumping to the conclusion that the numbers you mentioned are somehow out of our ballpark. I am very aware of the "you get what you pay for" concept and have posted paramaters for the purpose of finding someone who feels like they would work well in such a project. We are not looking to get this done for "really cheap" - we are looking to get it done right. perhaps i was not clear - i am new to the forums and did not realize the assumption was that it was for free. This is a paying gig.
I storyboarded the entire first 3 episodes all digitally with a tablet in this style and it was fun and like you said demanding. Someone who understands the concepts of anime action and efficiency of motion in cutting in that style should be able to handle it and get into a nice flow. I am not going to lie and say this is an easy job - it will require a talented individual with a passion for their work and for this style of animation. It is my passion, but we are looking for help to increase output as we did the initial episodes with extremely small teams that need to now grow.
You do not need to be a grizzled vet as I have worked with (and paid well) some old school storyboard artists and they seem to struggle with the style. Anime did not break into the mainstream domestic market until the late 90s and those who grew up on it are younger and less experienced but may find the style actual quite easy to do. So will very experienced adaptable artists who have evolved with the trend. First and foremost we are looking for someone who is hungry and loves action anime and is influenced by it in their own art.
At any rate, Ken, if you feel you fit the bill, i encourage you to calm down and look past this web issue and submit your portfolio.
Also for any others who may be interested and go to our website, i do not know what active x is, but it is an HTML site with a downloadable QT trailer on the landing page and nothing to my knowledge downloads anything other than the html images.
Cheers :)

Well, Dan--if you led off with specifics like your name, and that it is a paying gig etc, assumptions like mine wouldn't be forthcoming. Forums like this, industry information sites, trade papers see hundreds of similar job offerings in a week and many of them turn out to be bogus. It particularily rife on the Internet, were the assumption of anonymity is rampant. Vague job offerings are......quite frankly, a dime a dozen. Since many of these offerings amount to nothing, or insult applicants with "experience" in lieu of pay, you'll have to understand that the language of any job offerings needs to be failry specific to gain serious inquiries.
Pay is a critical point, but its not the only one. Having a real name, face person to communicate with is even more important, because its sets out a display of sincerity. Let's be blunt here, no-one "cares" who is making the offering--its a solicited task like many others out there--but identifying who specific lends that task and the offerer some credibility.
Establishing credentials and professionalism is another key trait and one that a lot of offers lack. Being blunt again, these forums see a LOT of posers, people wanting to "play" in the animation biz, who not taken even one moment to learn about it.
To a pro like myself, that kind of thing breeds a certain degree of cynicism, because it all follows much the same pattern.
What you want, is pretty much what everyone else wants, work done to your specifications, and you've spelled out those specifications to a fair degree. But anyone can do that, and its the easy part in this.........and , sadly, it doesn't tell prospective applicants what they need to hear.
Are you reputable? Are you professional, have experience in this? Does your project have solid backing? what have you done in this area before etc etc etc... People that know what they are doing look for this, and people that know what they are doing supply this kind of info to prospective help.
The more specific you are up front, in all respects, the more genuine and useful applicants you will see.........if fact, you might have to beat the lot of them off with a stick.
As for the web page, clicking on the link take one to your page and there's an immediate action upon arrival to load a active-x component, obviously to view something on the page.
Since I've had several unpleasant experiences visiting similar animation sites where malcious code was downloaded via active-X scripts and such, I'm leery/wary of site was do so "automatically". It might be advisable to informed potential viewers that something is going to be installed so they can view the web page. If you do not know what it is, and did not design the site, then you might want to confer or consult with those that did. Its representing you and your product after all...
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
I am sorry if the post seems vague. I tried to be very specific about what we are looking for. This is my first time posting a job opening on a casual forum like this so i had no idea most of these posts were assumed to be freebees by "Posers" as Ken called them. THIS IS A PAYING JOB. Don't be cynical or insulted by my vagueness. If you have questions about the position, then post them here or email me.
The attitude above really bothers me, but i understand where it comes from. Perhaps i have too casually posted about something that will ultimately be a very professional interaction. Anyways, I leave this post up for a few more weeks to see if what we are looking for can be found here.
As far as our outfit, we are a small independent studio named Backyard Digital Studios which has done fx, games and commercials in los angeles for 8 years and this series which began in 2004 was our first foray into series animation. We also ramping up for a feature animation production slated for production beginning in 2007. We have only used local preproduction talent in the past, but have managed overseas outsourcing in production and while the producer is against it, I am comfortable with a long distance contract with the right person for this position (i will have the final say on who is chosen). The deliverable would be digitized images anyways.
We do have 3 direct to dvd episodes on the market and are partnered with and backed directly by EMI. This is a legit paying job if you fit the criteria. You would be working directly with me and the director. You can check out the episodes (2 and 3 are closer to the series moving forward than 1 - http://www.amazon.com/Angel-Wars-Guardian-Force-Episode/dp/B000HT38J4/sr=8-1/qid=1162088470/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-7982495-0164969?ie=UTF8&s=dvd) or you can go to our webiste www.angelwars.com and watch the trailer. Or you can go to our studio website www.backyardentertainment.com but that is mostly flash if i recall and it hasnt been updated in a couple of years as we have not solicited outside jobs being booked for this series.
i still have no idea what the active x thing is Ken got ticked about. As far as i know the site is all HTML with a qt trailer you can chose to watch. it does not download automatically. Its your run of the mill website... We have never had a complaint b4.
Our crew is talented (and funded) and looking for others who would like to add to our production by lending us their talent in colaboration.
Hope to hear from you all soon :D

I think this is a simple miss-understanding. Dangle, you're new here so you don't know the history of this Forum. About 95% of the job offers that are posted in the AWN Forums are looking for free work. Posting a job offer here with no mention of compensation right off the back will usually be met with the kind of skepticism you've experienced.
AWN does have a job posting section on their main page. You may want to look in to posting your job there. A lot of people go to the main page and do not view the Forums, so you might get more responses if you post there.
Welcome to the AWN Forums Dangel.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Thanks for the welcome and the info! I will do what you suggested. I apologize to everyone about the misunderstanding. Im a noob!
