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AM multicharacter assignment

By MightyMew1 | Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 6:53pm

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

Hello everyone! I'm going to spend this week revising my AnimationMentor assignment. I could really use as much feedback as possible, so if you have time please leave me a crit or two. Thanks!

The Vacation h264 2.33mb

The Vacation sorenson 5.38mb

MightyMew1's picture
"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

ghDude's picture
Submitted by ghDude on

it looks VERY nice.

the only thing that kinda of bothers me is on frames 62-68 where the leg stomps down and then goes straight pretty quick. The quick transition just looks poppy to me.

see you in AM :)
soon to be in class2!

MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

Hey ghDude, thanks for the crit! That walk gave me tons of trouble, so thanks a bunch for giving me a crit on it! I'll fix the knee pop as soon as Maya finishes opening my file. Thanks! :D

I looked at your profile and wasn't able to find your name on there. If you want me to stop by your workspace send me a PM or leave me a message on my workspace so I'll know who you are. It's always fun to see new work! :D

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

kevan's picture
Submitted by kevan on

Hey Jocelyn,

Are these movies any different from the movie file you sent me?


MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

Hi Kevan! The one's in the first post are different. The ones I posted yesterday have been up-dated. I haven't implimented all of the crits yet but I figured I might as well post what I had at the end of the day. Some crits took longer to do than others. >_<

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

kevan's picture
Submitted by kevan on

In addition to the other stuff we talked about....

The guy's body shouldn't move right (ie backwards) in screen space when he settles. This one is better than before though. Ace!

I think he needs to build up to the angry pose more before he goes into the held extreme. Looking at it without sound is making that jump feel awkward.

Let us know how you're getting on,

: )

MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

Cool, thanks Kevan! I have a question though. You said not to have him move to the right/back when he settles from the walk. I'm guessing that your refering to what happens on frames 63-69 and I'm not sure how else he would settle. I wanted to show him shifting his weight so its distributed over both feet, so wouldn't he have to move in the direction of the leg that he plants on frame 65? :confused:

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

kevan's picture
Submitted by kevan on

This is probably one of those cases where you have to cheat things in order to get it to look right. You have to balance physical accuracy with a more 2 dimensional awareness of moving elements.

You could try just slowing him sc. left into his settled position and see if that looks better. It may not, and I could be wrong, but it's worth a quick go.


MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

Ok, that makes sense. Thanks Kevan! I'll have an up-date later today.:D

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

Animated Ape's picture

This looks really good Jocelyn. I can't wait to see what you do for your student film. I don't know what it is about the guy's pose around frame 107, but his arms look reversed. The more bent arm looks like it's his right arm. It might be just me. He also seems a bit close to her in that pose, like his hand is grabbing her leg. Also how he gets into his pose when he checks his watch looks a bit strange. Like he has a mark on the floor that he has to hit, and is off so he has to take a side step. How you're doing this and going to school full time, I have no idea! Do you even sleep?

Keep up the good work.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

I've run out of time for this assignment, as I will be busy with other things today and wont be able to work on it. Tomorow will be spent rendering, so I dont have time to impliment any more critiques. I want to thank everyone who has given me feedback, your words have improved my assignment 100%. Thank you, and thank you to everyone who simply looked at my work. Its always good to know that people are intrested in what you've done. Thanks a bunch guys!

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

Thanks for the crit AnimatedApe, I just wish I had seen it a couple of days ago. >_< As far as school goes, I've taken two quarters off from SCAD. There's no way I'd be able to successfully do the AM short film classes and take classes at SCAD at the same time. I'll be returning to SCAD in the spring though.

Here's the final version of my last assignment from AnimationMentor's Advanced Acting class. I hope you guys like it!

Counseling Session H264 2.66mb

Counseling Session sorenson 5.21mb

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

Sukie's picture
Submitted by Sukie on

That's lookin really good!
Thank you for sharing your progress with everyone. I am starting AM tomorrow, and it's really encouraging to see such great work from the students!


MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

Thanks Sukie, I'm glad you like it! It's strange though, everyone who comments on my scene at cgtalk says "its good overall". I'm starting to wonder if my assignment is actually quite bad and that no one wants to tell me. o_O

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

kevan's picture
Submitted by kevan on

Nah, they're all just scared to comment.

: )

MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

Lol, thanks Kevan! :D Btw, I asked told my mentor about your crits on having the counselor's eyes open really wide at the end when Leo lunges at her. He said he liked it the way it was, so thats why I left it that way. We're supposed to do what our mentor's say since they're to be treated as our directors. I just wanted to let you know that I didn't disregard your crit. Thanks a bunch for the rest of the crits you gave me! They were all excellent and improved my shot immensley! :D You should be a mentor one day... >_>

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

Zabrisa's picture
Submitted by Zabrisa on

Ah, so you left the lights "on" after all. I guess it gives the room that medical clinic look---LOL!

"Overall good"? Did them critics at AM mention anything that needed to be changed/improved?

MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

Hey Zabrisa. I actually forgot about your comment about the lights. I got so caught up in editing the animation that I forgot, sorry about that. :o Everyone at AM likes my assignment. I had implimented all of my mentor's critiques earlier that week and he okayed it. After that I just went in and added small things, tracked arcs, etc. Thats why I was worried about the "overall good" comments. I didn't understand why the AM people liked it but the guys on cgtalk said that over and over again.:confused:

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane