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My new animation reel

By Caroline | Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 10:03am

I have just put up together an animation reel, it's more turned toward flash and After animation, any advices are more than welcome:



Lensman's picture
Submitted by Lensman on

You really show what the program can do in your reel, perhaps the music does not go too well with the cartoon themes however. Nice work.

Caroline's picture
Submitted by Caroline on

Thanks for your replies.
As for the music, I wanted something not too cartonny with the more cartoony part and have the same music overall

Cobster's picture
Submitted by Cobster on

Hi Caroline,

Your reel is very nice, the subject matters you have chosen to animate are refreshingly different and visually very strong. There is maybe a bit of twinning in the animation in parts but overall it's a reel to be proud of.

Keep up the good work!

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