Atomcloud Animation
This movie now functions via the KEYBOARD
This is a simple game based on the original Dragon's Lair
These are the rules:
The movie will play to a point where Dirk the Daring must make a decision of his movements; Up, Down, Left, Right, or Enter (sword). There will often be flashes of yellow light that will give hint to the correct course of action. If you make the correct decision, the movie will continue and you will be presented by another decision...and another....and so on.
If you make the wrong choice, Dirk will die, the game is over, and you press the enter key to restart the level.
Dragon's Lair has been a HUGE reason why I wanted to get into animation, so it's a pretty big deal to me that I could actually get this to work. I made the animation years ago, but I just made it an animated GAME today:) I hope those who remember Dragon's Lair like this thing I did, and those who have never heard of dragon's lair...please, for the love of god, if you have any dignity for great animation that has a great success story behind it please check out:
The embedded movie in this flash project was at a resolution of 320x240. I tried to export this so that one could go to the html publish version...but I couldn't get the game to be interactive. don't know why. So....I would HIGHLY reccommend that you shrink the window to fit this dimension so the game runs smoothly. The size of the movie will shrink if you make the window smaller. If you play it at FULL BROWSWER size, I can't promise it'll run smoothly at all unless your computer is awesome....mine isn't, so do this:)
Glad you got it to work, sorry if my example (other thread) wasn't helpfull. (The show etc. was based on the game, I didn't know that. (Seems it's not functional with MAME.))
this was pretty cool, but was the game always this short?
I never played the real thing so i wouldnt know.
If you ran the game as a movie I think it would run for about 30 minutes.
I am surprised that madaman90 is not worried about being seued by the owners of Dragon's Lair. To my eye it looks as tho the images were lifted straight from the game and the book. Makes me wonder...:confused:
It's a neat idea, and so long as the quality of the video stays roughly on this level, I think it constitutes a fun exercise for the author and not a real challenge to the commercial perspectives of Dragon's Lair...which is such a neat game! No other videogame from then could continue to be repackaged and resold like it has. :) Everybody has some kind of copy of it by now!
I wish Bluth had the resources to do something even more elaborate - imagine a feature-length experience!
I added the ATTRACT movie
and pages of RULES so that the player can understand what's going on
This really is just an exercise based on some old animation and some new lessons in flash programming. I have other plans with other friends on what I'm going to do with this formula and it's not terribly new.
No the game isn't this short. The full game is broken into about 30 different short sequences. I just wanted to make something interactive and new to an audience who never played it....and I'm pretty sure nobody ever PLAYED the animation that I made before recent.
You should play the full version though. It's pretty much like this where you make decisions and die if you don't make the right ones. But, in the real game, there are unique deaths depending on what you do or do not do in the right amount of time. I didn't make other death sequences and I took away the time limit to make the game user friendly. THe idea of the game is there though:)
The animation, in its raw uninteractive form, I literally gave to Bluth years ago at a convention. The game animation is based on characters from the original game, but the story, layout, and animation is all my own from my mein own hand:) If he has anything to say about me either having this online or taking it off...or for that matter...any of the lawyers who own the rights, I'll gladly do whatever. I'm not making a dime off of this, and I'm not distributing this. It's just a harmless art piece with some old fact, I think because I did this little diddy, any legal eagles would consider this a nice project that helps endorse the continued sales of Dragon's Lair...a game made over 20 years ago.
Unless I retraced the game frame by frame in flash, this quality is about as good as I can imagine doing, so that's the best it's gonna look. There have been rumors for years that there's going to be a feature length movie of Dragon's Lair. There are storyboards for some of this on But I have no idea if the studio still even does work at all. If I were bluth, goldman, and the rest....I'd say that even if they never made another film in our lifetimes, they've done PLENTY to be remembered. These guys have the kind of life I'd like to have when I'm their age: going to conventions, making the fans of their films happy, drawing pictures for a fee. I'm telling ya, that's the life of an animator when my hair is grey:)
Thanks guys for watching. Since you all played it last, I added some new features to make it seem more like a video game:
I ported the ATTRACT sequence from the Sega CD version I think, but at any time you can press the space bar to go to the title sequence. Various buttons that are indicated on screen will take you to different parts of the game. you'll see what I'm talking about if you try it again now:)
Atomcloud Animation
Hey! :)
Just to clarify, I wasn't disparaging your drawings when I referred to the "quality of the video". I was trying to say that, well, so long as it's a tiny resolution, it can't really compete with Bluth's various editions.
The only problems I'm having with this game so far are:
1. When the first tunnel flashes, Dirk just stands there until I press the button. It's not timed.
2. I can't beat the spiders that come rushing up through the tunnel. They flash blue, but no matter how many times I mash the enter key, I don't kill them. :(
it's correct
I played through the game I posted, and it seems fine...I think. Every move works the way I wanted it to.
TIMING is not a factor in this version of the game.
The movie will come to a HALT or allow you to make a move a moment or two before the halt and THEN you decide what to do. I wanted to make this game a little more user friendly than the arcade counterpart, but I could just have easily set up the game to give you a window of time to make a decision and if you don't make it before time runs out, you will die.
As far as the Rats (they're rats, not spiders:)) and the blue flash of light.
Think to yourself...You've got a horde of rats coming right at you and one sword. There is a correct decision, but it's not to hit the enter key to use your sword just because you have it. One or two a time may be easier to manage, but not 6 or 7.
This was one of the many misunderstood ideas of the Bluth games. Sometimes success is achieved without fighting. Sometimes running away is a better idea.
I'll give you a hint:
the direction you move is DOWN in the rat tunnel situation.
Atomcloud Animation