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Portal HTML

By cdevroe | Wednesday, April 26, 2006 at 1:05pm

The portal HTML, as it stands, is completed. Obviously the content will be updated, but the HTML structure itself is there, and can be styled as needed.

cdevroe's picture
Submitted by cdevroe on

- On the site admin side of things, Dan has asked that we should be able to control the number of items (blog entries) displaying in each section. By default, we would like it to be 5 entries per section's column.

This is a variable that can be changed per list. Example, if I use showallStaffPicks(5); - it will show five posts. That number can be changed to whatever number you want. Easily customizable this way.

- (a) When logged in as admin, and reviewing blog posts, how will we be able to tag (toggle on/off) the post as a "Staff Pick" for displaying in that section?

I think this might be better done by a category within the official animation blogspot blog. To explain this further, we'll create instructions at the end of development, during the final documentation phase.

- (b) How will we handle tagging specific blogs to display in the "Featured Blogs" section? Using keywords, or otherwise? Will there be a specific admin function to manage this section (similar to managing the categories), where we can see/edit all featured bloggers?

Again, this could be done several ways. The best way I think is to use WordPress' built-in links feature. If you login to your admin, and look at the LINKS administration area, you can see how that could be done.

- (c) When we first launch, there may not be any posts to fill in the "Rumor Mill" section (or its equivalent). How will that be handled, in terms of displaying on the frontpage? Will it be an empty section? Will the "Most Popular" or "Random" blog sections extend farther down (or over) to fill in the space?

Any section can be taken on or off the front page whenever you want. That holds no bearing on how things work. If that is what you are asking.

cdevroe's picture
Submitted by cdevroe on

Please provide the CSS and Images for this portal, as that is the next piece that I will be working on. Greg had mentioned a fully functioning portal, but that will not happen until its navigable via the layout structure.

Greg's picture
Submitted by Greg on

Mark is helping with the styling. Should have something to you by Wednesday, I would think.

Greg's picture
Submitted by Greg on

- On the site admin side of things, Dan has asked that we should be able to control the number of items (blog entries) displaying in each section. By default, we would like it to be 5 entries per section's column.

- Specifically for the sections:

(a) When logged in as admin, and reviewing blog posts, how will we be able to tag (toggle on/off) the post as a "Staff Pick" for displaying in that section?

(b) How will we handle tagging specific blogs to display in the "Featured Blogs" section? Using keywords, or otherwise? Will there be a specific admin function to manage this section (similar to managing the categories), where we can see/edit all featured bloggers?

(c) When we first launch, there may not be any posts to fill in the "Rumor Mill" section (or its equivalent). How will that be handled, in terms of displaying on the frontpage? Will it be an empty section? Will the "Most Popular" or "Random" blog sections extend farther down (or over) to fill in the space?