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The New Kid! (film in progress)

By Pooryorik | Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 6:39pm

Hello everyone!

It's a new year, and time to start up new projects! I've just begun animation on a shortfilm called "The New Kid,"--an independant (rather overambitious) venture, involving just a couple of crew members and myself.

I hope to have it done by the end of the year (all fifteen minutes of it! lol), but of course, it may take longer. In the meantime, I'll be posting stills and clips from the film as it progresses.



P.S. Any suggestions are welcome--but, as production is rather hectic right now, it may take a while for me to respond. Thanks for visiting! :cool:

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Hi all,

I'm back with this week's follow-up:
The second computer, previously mentioned in post 8, is still at the shop. As it turns out, there were a few more viruses in it than I previously thought (500, to be exact--plus about 200 spyware programs. The web is a wicked, wicked place, lol). We expect to get it back in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, the trusty old i-mac is chugging along at a good clip, and...

"The New Kid" now has 4 minutes of footage completed. It's time to celebrate with another clip :D ! Here's the link:

That's all for now--the sandman calls...

[Edit: Alright! I'm a senior member :eek: :D !!!]

If you are using a firewall, and basic anitspyware solutions and a good antivirus, you aren't doing your housework. Time to step up and learn the basic of good computer ownership. Those numbers are outrageous, and dangerous to the health of your computer.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Yorik, you need to learn some basic computer ownership skills, including if you are going to produce swfs learn to embed them in an html format. It's only common coutesy and the Flash publish will do it for you if you don't know how.

Number two, why do the ping pong net and lamp/background in some raster program, why not design it in whatever program you designed your characters. Vector creation only demands that you know what your looking at and know how to draw it, all the photoshop tricks in the book can't buy your way out of that. And it takes finesse to integrate raster and vector in a seamless way.

And want to post a clickable link, try posting the htt:// stuff before your address the forum program will make it clickable.

I am not trying to be mean, and you are a valuable member here, but somethings have to change, and what you did to that other computer is inexcusable. Shame, Shame Shame. Only little old ladies are allowed to get away with that.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

Hi all,

I'm back with this week's follow-up:
The second computer, previously mentioned in post 8, is still at the shop. As it turns out, there were a few more viruses in it than I previously thought (500, to be exact--plus about 200 spyware programs. The web is a wicked, wicked place, lol). We expect to get it back in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, the trusty old i-mac is chugging along at a good clip, and...

"The New Kid" now has 4 minutes of footage completed. It's time to celebrate with another clip :D ! Here's the link:

That's all for now--the sandman calls...

[Edit: Alright! I'm a senior member :eek: :D !!!]

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

The still for the week:

Sheesh, I can hear an echo in here. Ah well, such is the unpredictable nature of forums :rolleyes: .

P.S. If any of you have a suggestion for an image hosting site, I'd be very grateful. The one I'm using has been less than dependable.

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

It's 4:00 in the morning, and I haven't gotten to bed yet... Biology... Must finish report...

But it's been a while, so here's another clip before I doze off:

There's no talking in this clip, but three of the four main characters are in it, plus an unfortunate insect. It gets a little jerky near the end (too many symbols), but nothing serious. Enjoy...


Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

Hello, I'm back again.

Thanks, L. Finston, for the observation. I'll definitely keep that in mind as the film progresses. I once spotted a similar oddity in a children's picture book: a beautiful illustration of the violin section in an orchestra. The lighting and color was wonderful--but all the violinists were left handed!

And now, today's update:

"The New Kid" has completed another minute of animation, making it a total of 3 minutes long. Production has been lagging this week however, because of technical difficulties-- it seems that one of the computers has collected about 4 viruses over the past month... :(

A little anxious but not too worried. In the meantime, here's the link to yet another still:

Swamped and happy,

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

Yorik, you need to learn some basic computer ownership skills, including if you are going to produce swfs learn to embed them in an html format. It's only common coutesy and the Flash publish will do it for you if you don't know how.

Hey, I'll change the other clip links to urls too. (I'm assuming that the previous clip was the appropriate embedded html type I should post?) Sorry for any inconvenience.

Number two, why do the ping pong net and lamp/background in some raster program, why not design it in whatever program you designed your characters. Vector creation only demands that you know what your looking at and know how to draw it, all the photoshop tricks in the book can't buy your way out of that. And it takes finesse to integrate raster and vector in a seamless way.

The reason why I chose photoshop was because I wanted to use a collauge style for the backgrounds. Since I don't have Fireworks, it's easier to handle the photos in a different program altogether (I just happened to have Photoshop around). Whenever I import a photo to flash, I have to make it a symbol, and mask out the white square around it; this process takes a lot of time.
You're right though, blending vector and raster is tricky. One thing I've tried to do was make the lighting in the scene affect both the backdrops and the characters. To do this, I had to do the lighting in Flash. And fortunately, the backdrops don't look as pixelated after they've been exported to i-Movie (the video editting program). Do you have any suggestions on blending bitmap and vector more seamlessly?

And want to post a clickable link, try posting the htt:// stuff before your address the forum program will make it clickable.

Good deal, I'll go edit all the links tonight.

I am not trying to be mean, and you are a valuable member here, but somethings have to change, and what you did to that other computer is inexcusable. Shame, Shame Shame. Only little old ladies are allowed to get away with that.

Haha. Yeah I got what was coming to me. Actually the computer was being borrowed from a friend of my mom's so we had to make do with what we got--meaning by the time we installed McAffe, it was too late.

Thanks for the comments,

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

Thanks Blinkme.

No, there's no voice that will be added. Nouveau is a silent character. Here's a new still from a scene I just finished. Meet Madeline: the new kid in question...


Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

Why not have him just act out the dialouge? a nod of the head and a point?

Wow, you're really insightful! That's actually the first thing he does at the very beginning of the argument (not included here). But you make a good point; since the whole playback thing is an odd concept, I've tried to make it as obvious as possible from the start of the film (there's one scene near the beginning where Nouveau is copying everything Sven says, word for word).

I also say this because i do not see him pushing any button or anything and he is actually mouthing the words so it is like the sound is coming from his mouth and not a tape recorder.

He's not really using one--It's difficult to explain now because I haven't posted the whole film so far. Basically, that's just the way he talks--like a tape recorder.

Thanks for the comments,

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

Good news, "The New Kid" is one third finished... 5 minutes down, 10 to go! My image hosting site is down, but I'd like to post some walk cycles (*swf.) If any of you have a suggestion for hosting sites, please let me know. I'm beginning to think that the one I'm using is more trouble than it's worth.


Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

It's time for another update...

Gah! sorry, guys. I just reallized what a nasty clip I posted last week. I must have really been tired. Beleive it or not, those blinking shaps around the edge of the screen don't show up after the movie is exported to quicktime.

But that's neither here nor there. Here's the improved clip, along with some extra footage. In this clip, Sven (the hairless guy on my avatar) is discussing his plan to cheer up a very bummed out Madeline. As usual, Sven's pals Art and Nouveau will eventually be dragged into his scheme.

That's basically the gist of the whole story. It's a very short film, and if I give away any more, the cover's blown!

Here's the link:

And this week's update:

Everything's just dandy. There's a flu going around, but that hasn't affected anyone... Yet. Though-- our second computer's still out sick.


Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

I'm gagging with frustration... This week was awful, production-wise. All homework, no animating. I'll try to reverse that trend tonight.

Man it's late.

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

It's time for another update:

We've reached minute six! Almost halfway there... I just recently finished a fun scene involving the Mafia, and laced valentine's chocolates. The thing I like most about animating this film is being able to experiment with many different styles. This particular scene was made to look like a scrapbook. I may post that clip later--in the meantime, here's a still.

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

Okay, here we go:

Let's see how this link works. It's the forward walk cycles of Art, Sven, and Nouveau. Nouveau happens to walk twice as slowly as the others, but his steps are the same length. Hopefully this won't become a problem later--if it does, I'll be doing some major editting.

Anyway, I spent the night searching through all the image hosting sites I could find, and came up with It got good ratings, but of course, only time will tell...

And if Phacker visits this thread, she'll be happy to know that I finally figured out how to post real URL links :D .

That's all for this week.

More updates soon,

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

It's time for another clip...

Here, Sven and Nouveau are agruing over who should ring the new girl's doorbell, while Art stands in the foreground. If you're wondering why Sven and Nouveau have the same voice, it's because Nouveau occasionally records people's voices and plays them back at opportune times. Later, I plan on editing this clip to make Nouveau sound more like a tape recorder.


blinkmetoys's picture

haha. sweet. Awesome animation as usual.

But that concept of the character recording peoples voices thing seems kinda weird. I think it will have to be presented properly to get the right effect, more than just making it sound like a tape recorder. (I mean in the film overall, i realize there is more than this one scene) Why not have him just act out the dialouge? a nod of the head and a point?

I also say this because i do not see him pushing any button or anything and he is actually mouthing the words so it is like the sound is coming from his mouth and not a tape recorder.

Just what I am thinkin. Somebody out of the loop.

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

blinkmetoys's picture
Submitted by blinkmetoys on

those look nice. I cannot wait to see this short.

Something i notice though is the middle character seems to have a pause in his step. Each forward step he pauses for a little. The other characters do not appear to have that slight pause.

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

blinkmetoys's picture
Submitted by blinkmetoys on

looks good. nicely done.

does that other character have a voice that isnt added or is it just the bubble icons?

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on

those look nice. I cannot wait to see this short.

Something i notice though is the middle character seems to have a pause in his step. Each forward step he pauses for a little. The other characters do not appear to have that slight pause.

Thanks Blinkme, for the observation. I went over the cycles again tonight, and caught the glitch. Here's the improved version:

Thanks again for the comment!

Pooryorik's picture
Submitted by Pooryorik on


"The New Kid" is officially halfway animated! SEVEN MINUTES, BABY! :eek: :D

It's time for another still:

Now I just need to find a guitar player. Will update as soon as something exciting happens.
