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My website is up!

By Matt S | Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 9:57am

[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios

Hey everyone! Finnaly, i have my website up. Thanks to those the helped me struggle through flash. I think i have a pretty good handle on the basics now.

anyhoo, also with the site, i have put up the full version of my short "Over the Moon" plus a bunch of other stuff....


(for those of you with dial up, sorry, the site will run fine, but it isn't exactly catered to 56k, html site will be on its way soon)

Matt S's picture
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway Character Animator Rhythm and Hues Studios [/b][/size]

damage's picture
Submitted by damage on

Nice website Matt S. I really enjoyed your Over the moon short.
How long did it take you to do that? Did you do all the work by yourself?

I also liked looking at the other part of the site, evan thou it did take a little clicking here and there to find the buttons to the behind the sc stuff from over the moon.

On a side note I alway thought that your avatar was that of a little 3d girl with really by eyes. Then i saw the painting. Is it a traditionally painted piece or done in ps or painter?

Over all the site looks really nice. Cant wait to see Garfield and tell me my frineds that i know someone that worked on it.


Nice well put together website. You are talented for sure.

Citizen Unicron's picture

Your website looks great. The layout is nice & simple, and it's easy to navigate.

I enjoyed your short "Over The Moon". It had some strong art direction and some good looking backgrounds too.

I think it's great the way you've diversified your talent, ie. matte paintings, 2D, 3D, etc.. Your figure drawings looked great too. Enjoy your summer off.


phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I like the site Matt, but my only criticism would be sometimes you leave the navigation a little vague. But most of your visitors will probably figure it out. My market are middle aged to little old ladies so I have to make sure everything is perfectly clear as far as navigation.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Matt S's picture
Submitted by Matt S on

thanks everyone for the kind words!

damage- Over the Moon, was my student short i did while i was at Art Center. It took me about a year and a half to finish, mainly cause i was the only one doing it. (o:
The little girl painting was painted (traditionally) in acrylics..its was actually my warm up painting for my backgrounds for my film (o:

Phacker- yeah, i didn't spell everything out. i figured most people that would look at my site would be artists and computer people...i figured they had enough web experience to figure it out. If i were making a company site then i would defentally dumb it down alot. gotta try to be a bit designy with it (o; Thanks again for your help!

[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios

MonkeyGirl's picture
Submitted by MonkeyGirl on

I was quite impressed. Thank you for sharing with us.

Don't do nothing because you can't do everything.

Wade K's picture
Submitted by Wade K on

FINALLY!!! I got to see you finished film. Looks great Matt. I can't believe you got Patrick Dorn to do the voice of Agent Diddle.


"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon

Graphiteman's picture

Nice, nice, very nice. Impressive.

Wade K's picture
Submitted by Wade K on

Maybe I am misinformed. I thought that Patrick Dorn was Michael Dorn's son, who played in a couple episodes of Star Trek (no, I am not a fan of the show, but did know that ;) ) It might be the wrong kid I am thinking of though...

Anyways, I thought your story was brilliant.

"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon

evandaeman's picture
Submitted by evandaeman on

Hey matt.. Awsome animation (Over the Moon)

love it.. good clean website as well :cool:

keep up the awsome work.. looking forward to see some more :D

Please join my new websites :D

Splatman's picture
Submitted by Splatman on

Been waiting awhile to see that there Over The Moon...and it was more than worth it! Simply fabulous!

Your site looks great as well!


Danimation's picture
Submitted by Danimation on

Great work Matt. I loved the Udder Canon! I can't wait to see the Narnia film. I always liked the stories, and I'm sure the film will turn out great. Cheers

Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007

Matt S's picture
Submitted by Matt S on

Thanks all!

swade- sure you aren't thinking micheal dorn? from star trek?...Patrick is on is way up...but i don't think people have heard of him yet. I do hope he gets really famous though!

Danimation- Thanks, I don't think you are going to be dissapointed with LWW...its going to be big.. (o:

[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios

Jerner's picture
Submitted by Jerner on

absolute amazing skills and work man!

sweet website :D looking good. I'm really amazed by your work, and I think I'll always will be! Keep it up, you're great! :D