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Any High School 3D Graphics and Animation teachers out there?

By steely | Saturday, November 5, 2005 at 12:40pm

I teach 3D graphics and animation in Denver, Colorado. Presently, I am teaching Intro to 3D, Advanced 3D, 3D Portfolio, and Computer Graphics for Artists. I LOVE MY JOB!

Just checking to see if there are any others out there . . .

Here is our site:


sobey's picture
Submitted by sobey on

my life seems to revolve around Maya and 3d. . Been using it for 6 years now.

Steely... I'm pretty sure my life revolves around YOU.
Ha. See you soon...

~*~so~*~ on your rocketbox

blinkmetoys's picture
Submitted by blinkmetoys on

they have ADVANCED 3D and 3d Portfolio in high schools?

i can see intro (mine had it), maybe advanced....but portfolio?

whats the quality of the work put out? what program do you teach? have you actually been trained in 3d? (i only ask because the teacher i took it with in highschool knew little to nothing about the 3d program)

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

steely's picture
Submitted by steely on

they have ADVANCED 3D and 3d Portfolio in high schools?

My School . . . Lucky Me! And My Students. Last count there were about 2700 students . . . Big School.

i can see intro (mine had it), maybe advanced....but portfolio?

What if you took intro and adv in 9th and 10th grade? What would you do for 11th and 12th? Work on your portfolio . . . right?

what program do you teach?

This is my second year teaching 3D, at this school, and first year as a fulltime 3d teacher, at this school. This is my 10th year over all.

A little bit of Poser 6.
A little bit of Vue 5 Infinite.
Very Heavy in Maya the first year and all the rest.
Photoshop CS2 for texturing

This year:
Intro to 3D- 5 classes.
Advanced 3D - 3 Classes.
Portfolio - 1 class. and various Indies
Computer Graphics for Artists - 2 classes

About 24 in every class.

have you actually been trained in 3d? (i only ask because the teacher i took it with in highschool knew little to nothing about the 3d program)

my life seems to revolve around Maya and 3d. . Been using it for 6 years now.

Most in industry have not had formally training in 3D . . . It is now changing, but to answer your question mostly certificate courses and a handful of college courses.

whats the quality of the work put out?

Keep in mind . . . That

This is just some work from July to present and the latest work has not been posted yet . . . These students are all beginers and have either started working in Maya in July or September. But mostly 2 months ago. Majority of the students are 10th graders.

Beginer 11 grade - finished in 3.5 days . . .

9th grader . . .

Here is a few from the gallery . . .Here

Students are presently doing a lot more advanced stuff including rigging and texturing, but those project take a lot more time.

Majority of the students are wrapping up their Octopus project . . . The advanced students will rig it. This is my example all rigged and all.

Did I answer all your questions?

Thanks for the interest . .


Ed_Gavin's picture
Submitted by Ed_Gavin on

It's impressive that high schooler are getting their hands on Maya. The projects look great. But 24 for to a class, yikes, we cap out at 15, I don't know how you do it.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

steely's picture
Submitted by steely on

Yea, it can be tough. . . A lot of times when a student has a Maya question, it is not just an easy yes or no question. As soon as I finish helping a student 3 or 4 hands go up. Some days are tough than other . . .

We start rigging next week . .. :rolleyes:


Ed_Gavin's picture
Submitted by Ed_Gavin on

Just curious where do the students who haven't been scared away from the field of computer animation end up going after graduation? Do they lean more towards a more technical or art based school.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

steely's picture
Submitted by steely on

Just curious where do the students who haven't been ?? scared away from the field of computer animation ?? end up going after graduation? Do they lean more towards a more technical or art based school.


Since, I have over 225 students a year; I know not every student will take a 3D path . . . Students love the program and about 99.5% of students who take the intro class continue – despite the curriculum’s challenging demands. They just take it because they enjoy it.

Considering, that the 3D industry is only about 6% for Hollywood and game design, I want to make sure students have options. To answer your question, generally, I lean them towards a more open program, like - CU DAC – It prepares students for all aspects of industry. I try to individually guide students in the right direction, based on their skills, background and goals. There are about 12 programs here locally in Denver and I have visited most of the, so I can guide them better. I lean them to more of an art school, like Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design -, if they have a strong traditional background.

Each student is different.

Are your students following a specific specialzation in Art, FilmMaking or computer scince or something like that ? (the gallery you linked to shows a lot of good graphic I suspect a specialization in art ?)

A hybrid of everything, which is generally called Digital Media Studies. This gives a student a chance to explore a bit more, so they can figure what they enjoy before college.

- is your 3D class an option, or is it mandatory ?
how many hours do your students spend on 3D classes ?

Definately an option.

1.5 hours every other day. Most spend a good 20 hours a week independently outside of class and attend an after school program.

and for the non americans, how old are 9th, 10th etc... graders ?

9th grader is 14-15 years old
12th grader is 17- 19 years old

A lot of good questions, thanks guys . . .
