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Trailer up on my short site.

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


Eric Hedman's picture

I just got an E-mail from Nashville IFF.....they are taking my short.

Thanks again Kevin and Moon for encouraging and supporting me with good ideas and knowledge.

I am 50% with acceptances.
LA Childrens Film Fest
San Diego Childrens Film Fest

Thumbs down(Probably because my show is too "G")
Sundance (though according to Mr C. they don't really devote resources to Animation)

Deep Ellum
Santa Barbara

Time to send out some more forms and DVDs.

Keep Making Cool Stuff. :D

Eric. :)

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


Eric Hedman's picture

enjoy. :)

I uploaded my short to Google and....there is a special little gimmicky theatre section on the iste too now.

It's very kid friendly and happy person friendly.

No guns, sex, rock and roll....

pretty boring unless you like whimsy and a few prat falls....and a bear with potential gender and narcissism issues.


A good big thank you again to all you lovely people, especially Kevin and Moon...the last few years has been an amazing ride. I am so very grateful for the effect that Kevin especially has had in my life. An amazing helper and advocate.

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


Kevin_Geiger's picture

The discourse on this thread was getting a bit loopy and off-topic, so I've pruned it back down to the original post.

Congratulations to Eric on his new short! :)

Kevin Geiger
The Animation Co-op

[I]Kevin Geiger
Director & Co-founder
The Animation Co-op[/I]

Eric Hedman's picture

Thanks Kevin.
With the advice and encouragement of you and your uber talented lady, and some loving support from friends and family I have finished it, and gotten it into my first festival. The San Diego Intl Childrens Film Festival. Its playing on October the 22nd at the Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park.

Max And Bear:TV at SDICFF

Thanks again.
Its been a blast making an independant short movie and meeting so many others who want to do the same. :)

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


Bandita's picture
Submitted by Bandita on

Ooooooohhhhh, cuuuuuuuute :o

First, congratulations!!
I'm making an indipendant short (2d mixed with 3D) too at the moment, and I also want to apply at some festivals. Hope I will succeed too.


Eric Hedman's picture

Thank you Bandita.
And good luck to you. :)

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


Eric Hedman's picture

I'm in the Alameda International Film Festival now too. 2 down, 4 to go....and 1 to enter next week.

I'm putting together a "making of" video.
And a DVD with Motion Menus.

Kevin and Moon set the bar with Henry's Garden. And I have to match or better it so we can make the principles of this CoOp a force to be reckoned with. :D
Henry's Garden has a higher production value and cooler camera effects, but I have a dancing bear, so maybe it evens out. ;)

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


Eric Hedman's picture

anchorage intl film festival accepted my short. 3 down, 6 pending. :)

tommorrow is the "san diego intl childrens film fest."

at Balboa Park at the photography museum....
starting at 9:30am. :)

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


Eric Hedman's picture

Thanks Bandita. :)
You should make one too.

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


Bandita's picture
Submitted by Bandita on

Ohh yeah, it's actually in production ;)
Maybe you can give me some advices(?), when I have finished it, 'cause I've never made a film before and of course never sent one to a festival.... (music rights etc...)

Hope you enjoy your festivals. Are there any awards to win???

Eric Hedman's picture

Most awards are just symbolic.
You can't count on winning them generally. :)

As far as advice.
Just make it fun and appealing and make it happen the best you can.
Sound is something you plan on and wirk with from the beginning. If I had to do it all over again I would spend another month on sound.


check out

it is what I used and they are very straight forward.
it may be different in Germany....but as the music I did not write was done by a defunct orchestra in a defunct a long dead composer. :)

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


Eric Hedman's picture
Submitted by Eric Hedman on

Los Angeles Intl. Childrens Film Fest will show my short sometime during the 9th-11th at the Autry Museum here in LA. :)
They also picked Henry Selicks MoonGirl. But that cost few hundred thousand or so more than mine so I hope the don't show them back to back. :)

4 up

1 down

5 still pending

a plethora to apply to. :)

Thanks again K and M.
knowing you has made my life better in so very many ways. :)

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman
