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musimation's Museum


Hello everyone and welcome to my museum... :) :D :)

This is my latest work it's a baby demon made in Blender

here's a tiny animation of the baby demon in action

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

This is a cow character design i made for a drawing challenge done entirely in flash

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

I had a dream, in it I was told that alien lifeforms were microscopic and that
they were living inside us already...(not really but it sure sounds good for an intro to an abstract piece..) :D

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

Thanks Scoob nGA D:

here's another gif animation I just made;

Click on image to see the animation

by the way you can play you're standard Thrash metal "I swallowed an ashtray that's why I sound like a cookie monster" song/track to it for an enhanced effect. ;)

Doob's picture
Submitted by Doob on

Hahahaha... That's the koolest llama I ever seen... :D

Nice work, Musi...


Graphiteman's picture

I like your stuff so far .....but that hillbilly girl?....... Her folks are siblings, right?

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on


I like your stuff so far .....but that hillbilly girl?....... Her folks are siblings, right?

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

thanx Doob. :)

here's a character I made today.

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

Quality Testing, somebody's got to do it ;)

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

Just finished putting the armature on this character, now it's ready to be animated yay!

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

Thanks damage, yes you should so I can check out your stuff too :D

OK, here's a Robot I just finished, I want to make it into an toy action figure,
I wonder how to go about it, something new to learn... :)

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I'd like to know how the country girl got her shorts on.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

phacker I'd like to know how the country girl got her shorts on.

lol...rmmm.. oh yeah~ it's that special stretch jean fabric you know ;) :D

Thunderobot's picture
Submitted by Thunderobot on

i really like the ninja walk great job.THe way the legs move is very cartoony and exagerated. :D

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

Thanks thunderobot glad you like it :)

Bandita's picture
Submitted by Bandita on

Wow, really cool animated ninja.
At the jump animation, I would let him go down a little bit more when he arrives ground, to emphasize the intensity of the jump!

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

Thanks Bandita, you're so right about the landing, good call. :D

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

Been messing around with the Yafray rendering on blender, made this mug of beer,I really hate waiting for renders so I faked the light caustics(don't tell no one), Oh yeah by the way enjoy the winter festivities and don't get too fugly, unless you want to cheers! ;) :D