Would you like to be called as A

By chodhry | Thursday, September 15, 2005 at 7:34am


DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

If you're planning on using the title outside a community of artists, I don't know if it's the wisest idea. You'll probably need to make a favorable impression outside your group to achieve some of your goals, and while your title may be viewed as clever amongst your peers, outsiders may not get the joke and think less of your and your efforts, hampering your progress.

chodhry's picture
Submitted by chodhry on

If you're planning on using the title outside a community of artists, I don't know if it's the wisest idea. You'll probably need to make a favorable impression outside your group to achieve some of your goals, and while your title may be viewed as clever amongst your peers, outsiders may not get the joke and think less of your and your efforts, hampering your progress.

DSB, its all about artists. I am not pursuing any monetry benifits from that project. Its more like a life time dream of such a community. And I am concerned only about the artists. Would they take it as insult or feel happy being called as a creative ass?


skinnylizard's picture

how seriously will you take somoene who calls himself a creative ass?

NOOB!'s picture
Submitted by NOOB! on

Executive :*Hi there,first off we'd like to know,what is original about you and what uniqueness do u think u can bring to our company*

Pitcher: *Original about me? well,i'm a creative ass*

Executive:*thanks for coming*

Pitcher: *but..*

Executive: *thanks for coming*

Pitcher: *I*

Executive: *thanks for coming*

Pitcher: *.....*

Executive:*why are u still here*



DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

Chodry, you're clearly conflicted about this title. I'd say listen to your misgivings; they're trying to tell you something.

If this is a long-term dream and desire of yours, do you really want to endanger it for the sake of a clever name?

ScatteredLogical's picture

Build the community first or at least the skeleton, and the name will come. I find that the best books and songs can be named this way because you've experienced the material wholly and know it intimately enough to choose a title most reflective of its "personality" or content.

chodhry's picture
Submitted by chodhry on

how seriously will you take somoene who calls himself a creative ass?

Well, in a pro envoirnment. No, I woould not like to be called as a creative ass but if its just for the fun, i would like the title of a creative ass.

Executive :*Hi there,first off we'd like to know,what is original about you and what uniqueness do u think u can bring to our company*

Pitcher: *Original about me? well,i'm a creative ass*

Executive:*thanks for coming*

Pitcher: *but..*

Executive: *thanks for coming*

Pitcher: *I*

Executive: *thanks for coming*

Pitcher: *.....*

Executive:*why are u still here*

LOL!!! Thats so funny man! But no one aint gonna write this in their resume or when applying for a job.

The other scenario could be some thing like this

Executive :*Hi there,first off we'd like to know,what is original about you and what uniqueness do u think u can bring to our company*

Pitcher: *Original about me? well,i'm a creative ass*

Executive: Hahaha, what did you say?

Pitcher: Well I am a creative ass

Executive: Oh my God! thats the most creative answer I have heard in years.
Pitcher: Well, I told you I am a creative Ass.

Executive: Ok, show us some of the stuff produced by your creative ass. heheh

Pitcher: Ok here is some creative ass music/script/animation/artwork

Executive:thats such a creative ass work. NOW go and kick some more creative ass........... I am looking forward to seeing you kiccking creative ass all over my office. ;)

Chodry, you're clearly conflicted about this title. I'd say listen to your misgivings; they're trying to tell you something.

If this is a long-term dream and desire of yours, do you really want to endanger it for the sake of a clever name?

DSB, My idea is based around students and not targetting Pros. Its about sreative field students to help each other. They are not going to use it as an acredential or in a business talk. Its more like a community where you will not be putting your time in discussions but in practical :) (Kicking the creative ass in gear!) But I have not yet decieded about this name although I am quite tempted to use it but in any case I will check out all the pros and cons.

Build the community first or at least the skeleton, and the name will come. I find that the best books and songs can be named this way because you've experienced the material wholly and know it intimately enough to choose a title most reflective of its "personality" or content.

But the community has to be gathered around one name/ cause and that has to be identified prior to community development. Dont you think so? I hav ethe skeleton, has already spent $X,XXX in the development of the custom software which is about to complete. I will let the cat out of bag hopefully by the end of this month If by that time I decide to go with a certain name or I may run a contest on few forums to find out the most suitable name.

Thanks fo rthe input guys. Please keep them coming. More the better.

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

I have to honestly say it wouldn't necessarily bother me, but I don't find it particularly amusing/funny/cute. It sounds more like something that five years from now you're likely to slap your head and say, "What was I thinking!?" Basically, you can do better than "Creative Ass."

I'm with Scattered. Start working on the community and how you're going to organize it, what it's going to do and offer, and the name will come. Building an idealogy around a witty name (or not so witty in my opinion) seems like a poor way to start a movement or collective.

I'd bet Budha didn't sit down and think, "Well, I've got this Budha thing going, and I can call it Budhism, but just what are we going to stand for?" He was prince something or other, came up with a way of thinking THEN became the Budha*

*I take no responsibility for people quoting me and failing history exams...

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

Its about sreative field students to help each other. They are not going to use it as an acredential or in a business talk.

If you think students won't use this as a line item in a resume, you're kidding yourself. There is nothing emptier than a student's first resume, and they will include anything and everything they've done that they think will help set them apart from other students.

That said, if your organization becomes a well-known and respected part of the student experience, you could call it "rusty chum bucket" and the name won't matter a bit.

Sorry, it's late...

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Only 5 votes and over 90 viewings, someone is not voting.

Doubt's picture
Submitted by Doubt on

that's because no-one can take this seriously, Who wants to be called a creative ass??

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

I like "Rusty Chum Bucket" much better. :D