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Animated Commercials

why arent there more animated commercials out there anymore? the last ones i remember are the red bull ones (lve the animation but dreadful combination of product and medium)
whats going on ?

Krakler's picture
Submitted by Krakler on

You mean 2D? I remember seeing a really good one for Wal Mart just the other day.

Animated Ape's picture

There are always the cereal commercial, Fruit Loops, Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes, and Cocoa Pebbles. There are those Charmin Bears commercials. United has had several animated commercials recently. There are those Zoloft ones. I think it's Zoloft, the one with the sad oval character. There are those toe fungus commercials with "Digger" where he lifts up a toenail, I cringe everytime, and jumps underneath. I'm sure there are new ones, but I've been in Germany for the past month.

Those are just the character animated commercials, there are a ton of FX commercials out there.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

skinnylizard's picture

yeah i meant 2d sorry bout that.
plenty of 3d and VFX work outthere.

Animated Ape's picture

I think you just have to watch Saturday morning and weekday afternoon TV to see 2D animated commercials. Animation is usually targeted to children, so you have to watch the channels and times the children watch to see them.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

MelMass's picture
Submitted by MelMass on

Just wondering if anyone knows who animated Mr. Opportunity. He's groovy.

I really love how he's animated.

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

I've been in New Zealand for the past couple months and I've noticed a tremendous amount of stop motion used in commercials. They're a blast.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

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skinnylizard's picture

wonder if its one firm driving the market?

pizzanut's picture
Submitted by pizzanut on

If you want to see a really DISNEY styled TV commercial, check out the website. It's apparently only being showen locally but the animation beats the nationals of late. I too love the new Cocoa Puffs spot and agree that there simply is a lack of great stuff for the 30 second commercials. Who would think that a small studio like an upstart(hignites) from Wisconsin would be putting out good stuff like this? Makes me kinda proud to be from Wisconsin myself. Anyone know of any other good TV stuff?

Thunderobot's picture

There was recently some cool Herzfeld looking stuff for Pop Tarts (is it him?).

its definetly not him if you read the f.a.q. on his site he says so quite plainly(and thinks he should sue pop tarts) i mean the guy thinks he invented stick figures and anyone who uses them is stealing his

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

its definetly not him if you read the f.a.q. on his site he says so quite plainly(and thinks he should sue pop tarts) i mean the guy thinks he invented stick figures and anyone who uses them is stealing his

Stick figures are stick figures, but this definitely looks like Herzfeld. It's a subtle style, but Pascal, for one, uses stick like figures that don't look anything like Herzfelt. I have a feeling that it was intentional (at best an homage, at worst a theft, being a commercial that he isn't involved with, I'm leaning towards theft).

Pop quiz: How many different ways can I spell Hertfeldt wrong in one post?

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

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Thunderobot's picture
Submitted by Thunderobot on

Stick figures are stick figures, but this definitely looks like Herzfeld. It's a subtle style, but Pascal, for one, uses stick like figures that don't look anything like Herzfelt. I have a feeling that it was intentional (at best an homage, at worst a theft, being a commercial that he isn't involved with, I'm leaning towards theft).

Pop quiz: How many different ways can I spell Hertfeldt wrong in one post?

lol iv done the same thing

hey all im saying is that if you do crappy stick figures(not that there is anything wrong with it) you cant sue another guy for making animations with crppy stick figures.Crappy stick figures have been around forever and no one should be able to sue someone for making them.

p.s.what does miracle mouse say at the end gee wiz? because it souunds like hes akwardly saying chese-whiz :confused: lol

also am i the only one who finds it odd that the only thing miracle animation studio's has made is an advertisment for miracle homes? are they both owned by the same guy?

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

I disagree on the Herzfelt thing, but I'm not sure where the law stands on such a subtle copying of style. Can style even be copyrighted? They aren't actual characters, but if someone did something that looked alot like Mickey Mouse (and I mean even more than Miracle Mouse) you'd bet they'd be sueing before it even hit the airwaves. I'm talking about the overall style here. I doubt he's trying to copyright the stick figure, but his style is very specific, and this looks ALOT like it, not just stick figures. But that is the problem with such a simple style, it's difficult to prove that someone is ripping you off.

And yeah, I think he says Cheeze Whiz (subtle, and not particularly funny IMHO). And it definitely looks like the same guy in all the photos. No particular opinion on that one, just an observation. I imagine his commercial probably blows the local competition's out of the water (reguardless of the timing problems).

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

Thunderobot's picture

whats imho mean?

it just seems kinda funny just due to the fact that he should be saying gee whiz and instead he says cheese whiz? it just seems misplaced and kinda funny the first times you hear it.

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

whats imho mean?

"In My Humble Opinion"

pizzanut's picture
Submitted by pizzanut on

As a recent joiner of AWN forums myself, welcome Miracle Studios to the forums and I too hope to hear more. Is it just me or is this heading a bit off the original subject of animated commercials? Not that I'm complaining because I am enjoying the feed-back but should we start a new subject heading on Miracle Studio or not? :)

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

It sort of did (although the topic mostly stayed on animated commercials, even though it may have become a little "focused") and maybe Miracle Studios should have it's own thread, although I've said most of what I want to say on it. But I'd definitely be up for discussing it more with miracle_sets involved, we don't often get the opportunity to actually speak with the people we're critiquing outside our members posting their own indy work (aside from Ape's enlightening glimpse into Foster's). Who knows, maybe he'll find it educational, and at the very least entertaining?

"IMHO"... Sorry about the web shorthand, I typically really dislike that sort of thing. I kind of use it as a disclaimer. In My Humble Opinion. Just my opinion, and I'm assuming that others feel differently and are valid in feeling so.

Everything else I say is fact ;)

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

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pizzanut's picture
Submitted by pizzanut on

TARTS? I don't know if hignites miracle studios did POP TARTS but I don't think so. If you read their newspaper article posted on their website, they have just started this new studio about a year ago with a bunch of former(mostly) Disney animators and it looks like thier demo commercial took most of that time. Besides, they don't mention that in ther site and this would be a feather in ther cap so they probably would have listed it if they had done it. Did you check their site?

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

Um, no, I was just commenting to the thread in general, not to the hignites one. I don't know who did the Pop Tarts commercials, but it looks like Don Herzfeld (sp?).

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

Just checked their website. The qualtiy in animation is definitely there, I'd just love to see what they could do if they weren't doing stuff derivative of Disney studios. I mean they couldn't even come up with something better than a deformed Micky?! I shouldn't be too hard on them, as it may have been by the request of the client (was there a client? Or is this a commercial for them?). But even the website looks like Disney, with the stars and amusement park (complete with flags) look.

You'd think that without being in Disney, they'd be happy to REALLY stretch themselves out, rather than doing the same thing they always did. Personally, I think that technically they did a great job; creatively it's pretty boring.

Please, don't interpret this as Disney bashing. I like a good many Disney films (in particular, the writing and artistic skills involved) and Disney for all of their questionably moral business practices have made some awesome animated films (even defining what people expect from an animated film).

I just think that Miracle Studios demo isn't anything except animated well. I get the point, you don't want to be rushed while buying a house or buy a house that's too much, but the whole thing feels rushed. The music is overstated and doesn't fit the pacing (it build and builds and tries to resolve too quickly), I've already mentioned what I think of the main character. Timing isn't just about what the character is doing, it's also about editing and pacing. I just don't see that here.

Oh well, each to their own. I hope they do very well for themselves.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

pizzanut's picture
Submitted by pizzanut on

If you think their site looked Disneyesque , then you should really check out . I think this studio is based on trying to carry on the 2D Disney tradition. Since these forums are always kicking butt against Disney killing-off 2D, I would think everyone would(should)be exstatic about the fact that this is a group of talent that is actually doing something about not letting Disney Die. A whole lot of people talk about things but here is action. I agree that the pacing/solution is a tad too fast but this is a snazzy first effort. I don't think the main character is any more Mickey than mighty mouse. He kinda reminds me of Speedy Gonzales. Did you knotice the squirrel on the background tree? This layer of detail is classic. I think it is a smart move to keep something that the public obviously loves even if Disney is too short sighted to see it right now. I am a new member of this site and I do appreciate your discussion. Take a peek at and give an opinion if you care. (I am getting a bit off the original thread of this subjects heading/sorry) Thanks

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

I definitely appreciate their quality and attention to detail. Not many studios do it like this at all. And you're right on the mouse thing, there are plenty of imitators of Mickey, but these guys are mostly from Disney. It give the impression that it's all they know how to do (which I'm sure isn't the case).

I think I'm more trying to comment on them immitating the Disney style, not their immitating the Disney quality, subtle difference to be sure. And while I'm definitely a little ticked off (a bit of an understatement) at Disney's attitude towards 2D, it has more to do with 2D, they're support of an artform, and the quality they put into it than their style. I'd even go so far as to say it may be good for Disney to take a break from 2D (my guess is that they'll be back in about 5-10 years to great fanfare and parades), let someone else define the medium for a little bit, although I don't like the idea of so many talented artists without a place to use their pencils.

I'd love to see what an impressive resume of skills like Miracle Studios could really do, without having to look like Disney.

I'm not sure what I think of My first thought is that that guy is a little old to be running a Disney fan site (don't they advertise for themselves enough anyway?). Perhaps, it keeps the Disney lawyers off his back. Just my gut reaction.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

miracle_sets's picture

Hello and thankyou all for the comments regaurding our first animated commercial project here at Miracle Studios. I trust you have already checked our website and have seen the demo there(sorry for the shameless plug for our site). If you are asking whether we are the same folks who also sponsor the a second time) as well as run the Miracle Homes homebuilding businessat's three if you're counting) the answer is yes, yes, yes, they are all part of the same company.
As far as the comment about me looking a litle old to be running a Disney fan site, I'm really not that old(47) and I am considerably younger than Roy Disney who sponsored the now-extinct Save Disney site. I seriously take no offense and am just happy to see any type of chatter about anything we do. We do have a unique opportunity to do something very special at this moment in animation history. Disney ,as you know, has more or less , taken themselves out of the American 2D animation business. Unless you are learning Maya or a darned good story person, I don't see a lot of immediate future in American 2D as we all knew it. I strongly believe that, as many of you might also agree, 2D is not dead but only in hibernation. This means that a small "wanna-be" studio like mine can stand a pretty good chance of attracting top talent that otherwise would never re-locate to Wisconsin.
I have been fortunate enough to succeed at becoming Wisconsins largest "scattered-site" homebuilder in about 11 years time. Before I got into homebuilding people thought this was unwise since I had never built a home before. I saw a great opportunity in homes just as today, having had little animation experience, I see a golden opportunity in 2D. Unlike other start-up studios, I do not need to get animation jobs to keep my doors open. We have done 1 (now almost done with #2) commercial to see how we can learn our processes and characters. We are in a constant state of seeking experienced talent(see our new AWN job posting this week) and are begining work on our first feature. I welcome your continued opinions and I do regularly check all of our sites ,and this one, to answer questions such as "Does Miracle Mouse really look like Mickey? For the record, one letter from a Disney attorney indicates no problems with the design.
Thanks again, I'll try to be breifer in the future with my replys and blessings.
Tom Hignite
Pres. Miracle Companies Inc.

Thunderobot's picture

Intesting you must be rich lol.

I wish you luck on al of your productions but i have to ask.Is miracle mouse the only animation you have ever made? what are your future projects?

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

Welcome to the boards. I was kind of wondering how long someone from your company would be before they found this discussion. Reguardless of my opinions on your ad, I want to be clear that I am happy to see someone supporting 2D animation (and sorry for the age comment, it shouldn't have been said, as it doesn't really matter :o ) And I'm especially glad that Disney didn't have a problem with your designs.

I'm pleased you saw the silver lining in our discussion. Sometimes I get worked up and sound more argumentative (insulting?) than I mean to. The fact that we didn't just pass it off as worthless and stop talking definitely indicates that your company does bring something to the arena worth discussing.

I wish you and your company good luck in your future endeavours. I hope that you will continue to visit the boards from time to time. There are many people here that would appreciate hearing from someone who started their own animation studio.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

I get the joke. It's more of an eye roll than anything actually funny. But ya got a try. It might be a hit with others.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!