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Over the Moon-->NickToons Film Fest!!

By Matt S | Monday, August 22, 2005 at 2:30pm

[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios

Hey everyone!

My short film "Over the Moon" is showing on NickToons this Thursday 8/25 at 9pm (12am EST) as part of the NickToons Film Festival. Check out the site, there's a lot of nice films in it. Don't forget to vote for mine!!

click VOTE NOW to view the films..

Hope you are all doing well!


Matt S's picture
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway Character Animator Rhythm and Hues Studios [/b][/size]

ScatteredLogical's picture

Yes! Congratulations! I remember seeing that short when you first wrote about it here. I'll bet it looks killer on TV. Lots to learn from being a student myself.

On a side note, your matte paintings are almost overwhelming. It's gotta be hard to get -that- much detail and not let it overpower everything. Kudos all around!

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Your web link to Nick is not right. My connection is really slow tonight so I have not found the correct link yet.

Matt S's picture
Submitted by Matt S on

link should work now! sorry about that.

ScatteredLogical, thanks! I'm an animator at heart, but i have always enjoyed painting, it was alot of fun to do.

[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

Congrats Matt! Looking forward to seeing it.

Splatman's picture
Submitted by Splatman on

(Being as I haven't seen the whole stinkin' thing yet! ;) )

Having said that, what I have seen during the creation of your masterpiece, I'm banking on a great show!

Congrats, goodluck and me and my kids will be watching!

Splatman :D