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Optimize Animations

By wontobe | Saturday, July 30, 2005 at 3:52pm

On optimizing animation files, how do I get the best result?
Do I optimizes my work as it is being made, then cut it all togeather?
Does it make sence to optimizes each layer, then put them togeather?
What do I need to avoid when I optimize my work?
Is there software that has superior optimizing features?

I have check through two books and all they do is tell how to use the feature. I would like to know if there is a startegy to use the optimize feature.

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

Are you asking about Flash, or something else?

Joanna Davidovich's picture

I know that if you want to have a Quicktime for the web, there's apparently this awesome program out there called Cleaner. But I've never used it before, or even known anyone who has, so I usually optimize my movies by exporting through Quicktime Pro using Sorenson 3 compression, and if there's sound, using Mpeg3 compression and mono will slice the size down. Hope this helps!

[SIZE=2]Have a Cup O' Jo! - [/SIZE]

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

DSB, I do not have Flash. I will be using Painter, Illustrator, and FinalCut.
Oh, I have Freeway to put this stuff on the web.

Joanna, I googled for Cleaner and could not find it. I found a some others tho.

macleod's picture
Submitted by macleod on

you're animating in Final Cut?? How do you do that?