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just curious...

Graphiteman's picture
Submitted by Graphiteman on

Like I said to someone else, I can say your technical animation is getting better (light years better than when you introduced us to your skateboarder); that was a very ambitious fly-through. I'm looking at the glass half-full when I say that. However you have drawing difficulties in layout and perspective to have your lone figure on top of the horizon line at the end of "fly-through". Even as an abstraction like the Catch Me If You Can titles, one has to give an illusion of mass in space that we recognise even if symbolic.
You (we all) should draw from life, study perspective, study layout (layouts as entire pictures can be unconventional but are meant to reveal only a portion to the camera at a time and use perspective at certain fields to push the eye to certain focal points) and continue character animating experimenting.

For your project I recommend looking at Batman: The Animated Series opening nd think about why that works. Like your idea it intorduces us to a character as if we never knew who he was or what he is about and makes you want to see the show.

But please be encouraged. You are ahead of the game by trial and error and experimenting.

P.S- After wrting this I viewed it again and obviously it is a work in progress and is improving.

ScatteredLogical's picture

God that brings up memories. And I'm not that old. I LOVE that intro. (B:TAS)

As another technical thing, it looks like the title is "Shadows" by the way it's timed. I was going to come on and say use distinct typeface for the movie name and give it some prominence but that doesn't apply because that isn't even the name.

I like the silhouette (mostly because of the hat) but unless it -is- a statue, it creates a precedent for the detail of the characters that the non-abstract person can't live up to just yet.

The decision to blow the foghorn(?) is a great one for the atmosphere and it certainly complements the music well, but it's almost unintentionally comical to have it coincide with the passing by of a small sailboat.

I don't understand the direction to go into the single level of buildings and then fly through the street down multiple levels to get to a point on the other side of the city. Maybe some other approach to that like an aerial as a sort of shot-to-shot anticipation?

Also, this is likely my comp but after he runs into the silhouette guy it stops. Is that where the work in progress stops or am I doing something wrong that it won't play back correctly? I ask because I didn't see the credits these good fellows are talking about.

gabemarchionda's picture

"Also, this is likely my comp but after he runs into the silhouette guy it stops"
yes thats where i stopped,

thanks for the tips scattered logical,,, wow you use a ot of big words.

yes i never did realize the fog horn with the little miniscule boat. I guess that is kidns comical,, i was going for the "harbor" feel

ScatteredLogical's picture

I used to visit Baltimore all the time, it's successful in that sense. It isn't going to be a problem with most people, I was just playing "grip" because it always amazes me when people can do that when I'm just paying attention to what's going on in the film =)

ScatteredLogical's picture

I'm confused. It sounds like you're making the trailer before the movie =)

It seems like there are very few schools of trailer composition. One is to summarize almost everything that happens, one is to introduce the plot and then stop showing stuff, another is to make a crazy irrelevant music video-style thing that, while more abstract, goes for the -mood- of the film. There's also the true teaser that shows almost nothing and creates material not in the film just to get you curious about the movie or give you its web address.

I say take an approach, and if you -don't- have the film done yet, put this on the backburner till you do and then it will help you make a decision afterwards on where you wanna take it.

Graphiteman's picture
Submitted by Graphiteman on

any ideas of were my movie should go next scattered? or anyone else, So he runs into the shadowman, the music stops, now what should happen, I think he should be waking up in a jail cell or something, what does everyone else think

Plan it out first; storyboard it.

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

I no I Should storyboard, but I am just curious on other peoples opinions of where my movie should be heading

You do not wont to know where we think your movie should head, it's your project. What we can do is let you know if you are heading in the direction you wont to go. I see a lot of Batman:The Dark Knight in your piece. Maybe you could do a few thumb nails.

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

It's impossible to tell what your pitch is about based on the clip you have.

My only other comment would be to change the name of your city. "Gollum" has a fairly strong identity already, and I don't think the name will help you establish your property at all.

Graphiteman's picture

Is it called One Against The World?
It looks like you called it:
One Against The
World Preview.

What does he have against the world preview?:D
Or was it
One Against,
The World Preview?

So what does he do? Why should we want see and know more? Is he more than a statue in an alley? Tease us. That's why it's a teaser. Think of a cool openeing title sequence.