Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more: www.CartoonSolutions.com
It's bad enough seeing the same banner ads at the top of every page, but now having these annoying pop up ads for the same exact thing on every page is HORRIBLE!!!
No, I don't have a pop up blocker, I find that they kill certain web pages at certain sites and are unpredictable.
Who do we complain to, to get rid of these things???
I second that!
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Claire O'Brien.com
I have no idea what you're talking about since I have a browser with pop-up blocking (firefox). Why complain about it if you don't want to take the matter into your own hands?
P.S. Firefox allows you to control which sites you allow pop-ups, so it's not unpredictable.
I understand, but...
Some of those annoying ads are what pays the bills for AWN's entire operations. We don't charge for content, for job postings, for downloads, for our directories, magazines or newsletters. We are advertising supported. I understand that the popups are annoying, but they are cookie supported so they should only show up once per day per unique visitor.
Without advertising support, there is no AWN. Thanks for your understanding.
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.
The google toolbar incorporates a popup blocker also, so you too can block those nasties if you want to.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Yah, I know you said you didn't want a blocker, but if you ever change your mind the Google Toolbar as of this spring blocks all but a few percent of them; additionally, should you want to preserve your regular viewing habits at sites that use pop-ups, like someone else said not only can you create safe lists but for a moment-to-moment thing you run across you can Ctrl + click the link and it won't block it.
Moi aussi!
Graphite you are so cute. And it's almost like your avatar is saying that with a little flick of the cigar.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
I'm on a mac using "Safari" and I just found out in the preferences how to block pop ups, which thanks to these annoying ads has forced me to dig deeper into what my browser can do.
Thank you WB ads!
Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more: www.CartoonSolutions.com
Humm...I never see any advertisments
I'm using safari, I don't get any pop up's here at all... I almost never get any pop ups ever. I remember having one just after christmas and I was shocked.
Don't do nothing because you can't do everything.
I don't mind the popups (if its only one),
the Pet Alien one (from last month?), which was a movie.
everytime it came on, it made this loud "pop sound" before the voice came on.
that was annoying.
the weird thing is that even though my "cookies" are on, before I switched my popup blocker feature on in Safari, I was getting that pop up window for the DVD on EVERY single page I went to in the forums.
Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more: www.CartoonSolutions.com
My friends Firefox and AdBlock keep me ignorant about the existance of web advertising.
And ignorance is bliss, sometimes :)
Well Dan, if your still reading this thread, it seems as if the majority of people aren't even seeing these pop up ads because there blockers are on. I wonder how effective they really are?
Oh well, don't tell WB. If they are willing to foot the bill for advertising, the pop ups will stay right?
Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more: www.CartoonSolutions.com
The success of the popups are most likely based on click through impressions rather than page views. I love my google popup blocker! Hell I love GOOGLE! Gmail kicks arse... as does their map site!
That's my point, if it's all about people clicking on the pop up ads, and no one is even seeing the ads because of the blockers...how effective can they be?
Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more: www.CartoonSolutions.com
Well they're still there in spirit!