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Looking for guest speaker in art media

By djchau | Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at 6:12pm

I'm part of summer program called summer of service located at the Children's Discovery Museum in San Jose who is looking for interested people who want to come into our program during the summer to do a presentation in the art of aimation or film design. We are looking for people who can give our student participants an overview of the process of different parts of animation designs or the art of film making. They can also give then an overview of the type of careers that may be available for people who work in the media type and what type of education/training it takes to become a animation artist or film maker. This summer program enlists students from ages 11 - 15 whose primary goal is to help make thier community a better place to live in. They work in five areas of either leadership, early childhood education, media, environment, and community outreach. In our media group we educate the students in the art of digital and video deisgn to help them create positive media in digital art and movies about thier community. If you are interested, please contact me. I'm looking for people to come during the months of June -August to give a presentation on the art of either animation deisgn or movie development and thier experience in it.


Eric Hedman's picture
Submitted by Eric Hedman on

Do you get to meet The Woz?????

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


Eric Hedman's picture
Submitted by Eric Hedman on


do you?


Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman
