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FiddlestickTOTHEMAX's Gallery


This daily sketch forum is a great idea- I assume animation is ok (?)

The second 2 are apart of the same project (my site's future opening)

I can't say for sure when I'll finish these or whether or not I'll even finish them... they might go the way of "liny"... man I'm one unreliable lazy bastard. But yeah.. MORE TO COME... unless I get hit by a bus or something equally as aesthetic.

HunterKiller_'s picture

I haven't visited Doodlebug much myself lately. Your work here is fantastic. :)

HunterKiller_'s picture

FIDDLE! Haha, never thought i would see you here. A small world it is indeed.
I wonder if you remember me...

ScatteredLogical's picture

No glass shattering? As far as the art, I think it was more coherent before the path of curvaceousness as he flies through the air, but I like watching this because even though it's far different from normal camera direction you'd see (ie shot-to-shot) that's one of the reasons it's at least initially appealing. I wonder how it will hold up to repeat viewings. Very fluid and I like the various line weights in your work. Makes for some good designs.

bupaje's picture
Submitted by bupaje on

Some disturbing stuff -for somebody who's been at the bottom of the depression roller coaster a couple times- but all of it well done, cool and creative.

ScatteredLogical's picture

It still reads really strangely as a path of motion. Maybe having small things on the landscape and having them rotate so we know the whole area is turning. Not that it makes it any less appealing. I like the new drawing, too, and the line doesn't bug me. It'd be easy enough to BS. But go ahead and do the pain in the ass thing. Extra efforts always rock, and more people should stick to them.

fiddlestickTOTHEMAX's picture

Thanks- yeah I'll probably have to get around to touching it up later anyways...

as for the ani- yeah, you're right it just doesn't look very good... Im getting rid of the horizon, but still adding shrubs and whatnot... and to give his movement some validity I'll just have a hail of cannon balls flying around him...? I dunno- but I want to perfect it.

Sower's picture
Submitted by Sower on

- you're animations a very dynamic - I like them

fiddlestickTOTHEMAX's picture

fiddlestickTOTHEMAX's picture

spoolintanabe's picture

^ what???

i dont get it, they guy turns, and then next scene the vw has a hole put through it?