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door, the sequel

By pascal | Wednesday, February 9, 2005 at 12:15am

copy and paste the link in the browser, once again.

watch out, this one is a little over two megs, so, it may take some time,and i still don't know how to do preloaders...

this is just a follow up on the first version of that little animation i did with the door thing.
Since the first one, i've had a lot of people emailing me asking for more , and , to try and turn this into a little short.

that's what i'm trying to do.
it's very rough( as usual, lol), but i think it's a good blueprint for a little short, no??

I'll go back in and retime most of the stuff, probably find a music, and, hopefully( but no time soon) , clean up the whole thing.
that will be a major achievemnet..
so.. for the moment.. here it is, the way it is!

hope it makes you smile a bit!!

bobbyc's picture
Submitted by bobbyc on

this is bobby c. from down in the bay area :D

hilarious!!! your animation style is so entertaining... i remember you showed me a bunch of your other flash movies on those cds you let me borrow ... planning on posting them anytime soon?

i never got a chance to ask you how you worked on these... wacom pen, frame by frame, drawn directly into the flash window?

hope all is well up north at bent!

peace brotha!

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

KalEl118: you said the animation was easy to read...
that's a very nce thing to say.. for.. it is actually easier to make a more rendered drawing/animation// but so hard to strip it down to the bare minimun to make it work...

This is great.

I too like the way it feels like it is..
The thing is.. I ALWAYS do that.
i'd love to see if i can push mylimits in other direections... you know??
I may fail.. but .. I can try at leats..
I'll learn something from it...and Is till have the original one left anyhow.. thanks to the miracles of digital technology

Ahhhhman.. no contests involved in this ..
just the fun of it...
but , thanks!!

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

good to hear from you!!!
yeah.. all is good here... even if i do miss the bay area!

yeah.. i drew everything with the wacom tablet straight into flash.
As we are speaking, i'm starting to clean up the drawings( it's taking a while..BUT.. I'm actually shocked to see that IT IS WORKING!
what i mean is.. the skeleton structure is tight enough, even if it looks all wavery , that the colored clean character holds BEAUTIFULLy( in my eyes.. remneber.. beholder, beauty, eye.. all that subjectif stuff??!)

I 'm trying to finish A scene in that style..

and i will post it up for you guys to take a look
I'm doing the end scene..
the door chase!

I think You will like that too!


daspetey's picture
Submitted by daspetey on

oh wow..
daspetey..that is one heck of a compliment...

how old are these students???

they are college students, so between 18 and 25.
too bad youre not in l.a., i would love to have you come in and speak to the class!

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

Thanks Karan!!

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

you're not missing anything..i'm a horrible speaker..
remenber..i'm french...
Aie Have ann akccent( Hand Aie veurie prOnouncede oAne!)


pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

ok, ok.. you may get tired of watching the whole thing over, especially with no music. but i've updated it again..
I actually took out the bombing scene and replaced it with one that is actually closer to my sensibiliti( yeah. me and bombs...'m not sure why i did that one now that i think of it.. must've been something I ate...)

anyway.. you can either chack out the whole thing again, or just

copy and paste That link and you'll only have the new scene!


ScatteredLogical's picture

Absolutely putrid and offensive...who the he--

Kidding...The timing of the door explosion is right on...looks like just 3 frames tops from the burst to the swarm hitting the margin edge....

Did you ever come up with an idea about the question I had before, with the off-screen character action timing?

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

oh yeah!!!
the off screen timing???

I was going to find something better , something very scientific and rational..
but i couldn't .

I just FEEL it..
what feels right to me is what goes into it!

( that was about the guy beeing off screen right??and coming back in??)

I'll send you a longer email over the weekend though..
did you get the cube thing i sent you?


Animated Ape's picture

Amazing work as always Pascal. I'm glad you took the bomb sequence out. I didn't think it worked right. It was good an all, but it took us away from the door. I think the animal flood works much better. I love your lose, rough animation, but I'm very curious to see how your work will look when you clean it up.

Brings a smile to my face as always.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

bossmonkey's picture
Submitted by bossmonkey on

boss monkey..
whatdo you mean , you've started your own animation because of .. My stuff??

wow.. this is very very very nice to hear( if I'mnot mistaken!)
I'd love to see it actually...
is it up somewhere ??

well I was planning an animation before, but I really liked the look yours has (using flash, but still sketchy), so I've started my own using flash. I'll be sure to post it as soon as I have something worth seeing :)

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

same a susual.. copy and paste..

So.. this is probably the largest file i've's 4 megs.
still has no sound.. but , about two minutes ago, the guy who is going to do the music just picked up the cd with the door stuff on it..
so'he's getting on it now!

so far, i've only colored the main character.. and i've not giving him any expressions..
( ok.. it took me the whole freaking week..but.. i think it looks pretty good.
The funny thing is.. i did not retouch the animation at all.
it's exactly the same as the original.
Meaning.. you all know how straight ahead animation has a tendency to shift form one form to another, right??
well.. this one does it too...'s more like an experimental thing , and, next time, i'll try a smaller piece but with planned animation...

ho.. well..
i'll just shut up , and let you guys decide what to think!


ScatteredLogical's picture

Feel it out, eh? Intuition is a great aide for an artist. I didn't mind the actual art of the bomb sequence but as the Apester said (force of habit, sorry, my sister's name is April) did sort of strand him from the door.

I received the cube thing yesterday in my box, but since I hadn't checked my mail till just recently I just got it. I'm doing those and also some new refresher material I picked up later in the week that I want to show you.

Can't wait for you to be back online for all to see the cleaned-up stuff...If you were just a sketchy guy, that's one thing, but you make deliberate decisions in how you approach your animation so in my mind it has no reason not to hold up once you nail those marks down.

bossmonkey's picture
Submitted by bossmonkey on

indeed, I found this piece inspiring
I've started my own flash animation because of it (my computer's much more convenient than going to the animation building to use light tables, I don't have to deal with organizing the huge amount of paper I'd be animating on, and it's easier to view what my animation looks like whenever I want, instead of reshooting each time)
thanks for sharing your work, and I look forward to seeing more

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

copy and paste again

hey guys.. this is a color test( just for the guy!) for a section at the end..
it's still rough because i'm trying to figure out the best way to do him.
as for the backgrounds.. well.. i tried some colors.. but i actually prefer it all black and white.
i might refine it a bit, but i think i'll just stay with that , and maybe add shadows after wards..
( and, for those who are wondering why this is a different angelfire thingy.. That's because i lost my member name , and password and can't log on anymore...
probably a sign that it is time to move to my own personal web site.. no??lol)


daspetey's picture
Submitted by daspetey on

i have to admit, i like the oiginal rough black and white kinetic squiggly style, but you are right, this tight, clean version works beautifully! i love the character too, his hair and scratchy little hands and shoes. such a great style.
maybe if you go for this, you should go with a retro-style duo-tone feel. kind of spot color-ish. instead of full color. does that make sense? you almost have that now. but it might look cool pushed even further that way.

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

yes, it makes total sense..
That's a bit what i'm going for.. or, to be more excat, i'm trying to bring some of my illustration style to my animations.. which is not as easy as it seems for i am pretty lazy and that would take a lot of work.
but. hey, one step at the time.. right now, i'm thinking of trying to color the guy completely through out the short , than see what to do with the rest..
as I go along , i'm discovering new ways of approaching this thing which is like discovering another humongous world of art that i have not yet walked upon...

It feels ....good!

Sower's picture
Submitted by Sower on

Hi Pascal,

You have a great intuitive style going on with these animations.

- I really admire the "flow" of your work.


bobbyc's picture
Submitted by bobbyc on

I love the new guy!
hey pascal... he's got your hairdo, man!

very beatnik... i can see him jazzin' to some coltrane :cool:

can't wait to see more :D


pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

Coltrane... that's an idea!!!

hum... i was thinking more about the MARTINI BOMB type of music, but... Coltrane!!!

Yes...He does look a lot like me.. I guess you remebered that!
I'm working on more of that, but it's busy here, as usual...

How are YOU doing Bobby??

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

boss monkey..
whatdo you mean , you've started your own animation because of .. My stuff??

wow.. this is very very very nice to hear( if I'mnot mistaken!)
I'd love to see it actually...
is it up somewhere ??


Thinks.. the intuitive part of it is easy.. the ahrd thing is directing that intuition into a form that actually makes sense , and seems to move without too many bumps... that thing you call the flow.


( now..i'm REALLY busy at work.. so.. updates on the door, maybe except for the music), are not going to happen soon!

Animated Ape's picture

Pascal, most of your animation doesn't make sense, and thats what I love about it. They are all just really fun to watch and see your imagination run wild. I always love sitting back and enjoying the ride. Thanks for the journy my friend. The cleaned up version looks great, but there is always something magical about the spontinaty of watching rough animation. Amazing work as always.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

anthonycomley's picture

There's not much I can add to the comments already here. I just wanted to say that it's fantastic. Really nice. Wunderbar (which is German for 'Wonderful'). Have you seen Matt Abbiss' work? He did 'Poor God', which won some kind of prize at Annecy. His work is similar.

Here's a link to his site:

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

I was watching your reel a few days ago, and, I hope you don't mind, i showed it to a bunch of people here( it was even more interesting because we just did a cartoon network spot with foster's home characters.. it's a fly through a three dimensional(buikt , not cg) rendition of the house, with the two d characters going through it...
everybody loves your reel..

I adore the show, and your stuff..

COming from you.. i really , really apreciate the compliment..

now.. on the...NOT MAKING SENSE thing..
it actually does to me.

let me explain. as a job,, id o storytelling. that's my thing.
these are a way for me to " vent" do the thinsg i see in my head without giving myself the constraint of respecting the classical structures..
so.. in a way , it's an organised dreamery..
organised beacause you can actually follow the chain of events..

so.. in brief..i think i'm just Bs my way into this..
you're rigt it;s just a fun ride, and i like it that way!

Mahalo, Ape!

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

No i don't know Matt Abiss.
But I will check out his work.
And, thanks a lot for the kudos!

Stribs's picture
Submitted by Stribs on

absolutly fantastic!!!!! I love him chasing after the door! Made me chuckle! how many frames was that????

was it done in flash???

ScatteredLogical's picture

When I get home tonight I'll send you the actionscript for a preloader.

That door chase is classic. Only word for it. The personality, especially with his doorfeet, is downright inspired.

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

oh cool!
glad you like it...
yes, it's all done in flash.
The door chase is probably going to get longer( as i have said, this is the blue print, i'm going to tryto retime, elongate, tighten..etc etc..)
I'm not sure how many frames it's a about five seconds I imagine when he's actually running after it ,and probably some 10 seconds more after that.

as always.. you know what I think of you answers..
Not only are you the smartest guy around here, you're probably one of the nicest too!


ScatteredLogical's picture

Here's an excellent question to -all- the professionals:

When the Giant Man opens the door and knocks Pasc-Man into the air, he quickly shoots off-"camera" and stays for a brief moment before slamming back down to Earth. In my mind there are approaches, like utilizing outside workspace to animate it as if it were actually there (since with his speed they wouldn't show up anyhow) but is there some standard way to time something you cannot see? Or is it trial and error, giving it a feel, timing it out etc.? It just occured to me as I watched it that I could track him with visualization as he went up, peaked, and began to descend above the monitor, but to be the animator I would imagine it's an interesting exercise in problem-solving.

bobbyc's picture
Submitted by bobbyc on

I'm still diggin it, time and time again Pascal!
love what you've done... and the music got's the "campy" feel to it.

You plannin' on posting the other flash animation's you've done??? :D


ScatteredLogical's picture

I just watched it again, and it's still as good the second time to watch that door chase gag. But again, him opening the's SO matter-of-fact, as if that's a normal everyday occurence, like it always happens, that it's no big thing for a door to get around in that fashion and how that's the door's mentality...that's the charm it has, and it was animated spot-on to capture that.

Last night I animated a sponge walking and it's my first real successful straight-ahead in a while. Got me re-hooked a bit. Same basic model, different dimensions. It's interesting with all the talk about limb positioning, line of action, facial expressions and the eyes, etc. that the most effect "acting" for entertainment value (to me) is a very solid door (box, rectangular prism, what have you) making a single flexing bend. Reminds me of watching the magic carpet in Disney's Aladdin.

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

hey Bobby...

thanks.. but , the kudos goes to eric.
he's the guy ..
dude... i just dumped my stuf on him, gave him less than a week on his already working schedule.. and, this morning he calls up and says..hey, pascal. i have that rough thing for you...
that's what it was..

that guys is amazing.
he's part of the martini bomb thing. their dj stuff is just absolutely fabulous

I feel lucky to have talent like that;s inspiring..

as far as the other flash animations... which ones are you talking about?
I gave you those cd's two years ago... there has been quite a few of these animations.. and i have not been posting everything i've been doing, especially not all the ones for work...

BUT.. i'm workng on getting a real web site( as oposed to the angel fire thing1)
i will post my drawings and my animations there!
I'm not sure when that will happen.. but sometime before summer..
it's kind of required now!



daspetey's picture
Submitted by daspetey on

i just showed this animation to the 2d flash animation class i teach and they roared! wonderful short you got here. it will be fantastic when its finished with music and sound effects. but i think the rough style should stay. its got a lot of charm.

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

you're right Fourchinigan.. and all the other ones that have mentionde that before .. i should get my own website..
ok.. i'm going to work on that..

thanks for the offer,though. Very nice and generous of you!


Stribs's picture
Submitted by Stribs on

its fantastic! the music is great! well done to him! you should send it of to festivals! Its a great little piece! Also i love the bed drawings you one in the animation cafe!!

I love your style! have you any other animations to show???

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

a few actually.

I have a bunch of sketches....never thought of posting them though....

Should I do that?


pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

oh wow..
daspetey..that is one heck of a compliment...

how old are these students???

bobbyc's picture
Submitted by bobbyc on

a few actually.

I have a bunch of sketches....never thought of posting them though....

Should I do that?


YES!!! :D:D:D


pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

ok guys..
i've just added a new scene( still rough) in there...
still rough...


ScatteredLogical's picture

OK, so where did you add it? hehe just kidding of course...

He really wants in...something of a, Pan-door-a's Box, no? bwahahahaha *ahem*

I'm e-mailing you now, by the way...

KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

First off I love this animation as well as the other work I have seen from you.

Now, this may just be my silly little opinion, but I'm not sure this really needs to be cleaned up or tweaked. I sort of feel like part of the charm comes from it's scratchy design and it's fast pace. The whole time I get the feeling that the animation is easy to read visually, as well as not being too fast for me to interpret what it is I'm seeing. I think the only thing I would really add would be some kind of sound, either music or effects or both.

Love it the way it is, but then again... I fear change.


Splatman's picture
Submitted by Splatman on always!

As others have mentioned, the door chase was excellent!

(I also liked the elevator coming up from the mat!)

You keep pumpin' out the winners man!


Splatman :D