Wow. I had to reformat my computer o_O. Now I'm back to haunt you all again!! GYAAHAHAHAHA!!!
It's good to see a sketch/work-in-progress forum now!! XD
Myes... so here's some sketches from awhile back. Expect to see some storyboards or animatics next.
And a song....
Vocal: Tiffany Lei (aka Lina)
Original Vocal: Ayumi Hamasaki
mp3: 5.0mb (128/44 bitrate)
KAGE Productions
I really dig the looseness of your lines! Very nice Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
I can't believe this thread still exists.. rediscovered it while cruising recent referrers. Hisashiburi da ne~
I suppose I should be working on second book x__x. Yeah.. first volume of my manga is out :sweat: It's called Shadow Magic. Should be available in comic shops, if not, you can probably order it from the publisher, Arcana Studio at
Here are a few things.
will probably never finish that one. Copic markers.
Quick color test- NOT MY LINES. Picked this up somehwere on Gaia Online
Been a long time since I did a pencil rendering:
Currently working on finishing:
That also means I've finished the cel-style coloring tutorial for this image, which is located at:
FOR PHOTOSHOP BEGINNERS! I WARN YOU NOW! Might be pretty simplistic for those of you who can handle yourselves in photoshop.
And just for fun.. A photo in Japan. Aren't toilets wonderful?
Have a wonderful day,
KAGE Productions
YAY thanks so much for taking a look ^____^
finished coloring this at the studio today (lunch time). I gave a background a shot. I figured since I suck so much at BGs and mechanical/archetectural in general I'd do a bit
KAGE Productions
Wond. Drawings....
Nice render...u have great lines...Do u draw other style than manga??...Thx..G.L.
WaaiI~ Thanks!! Yep, I do my own inking. Stuff is usually colored in either Photoshop or Open Canvas, sometimes both. ^_^
It's been busy... haven't had much time to scan things & post.
KAGE Productions
Uwahhh looks like I can't post more images. Sorry! (posting won't let me)
just more dumpage since I'm working on a graphic novel publication for June/July. ARRgghh deadline in Mayyyy *panics*
KAGE Productions
OH yeah I forgot about the trailer animatic is done. (11mb) Suggestions and feedback welcome ^_^ You'll need DivX codec to watch it. About 2.03 minutes. I realize it's still very confusing and many of the editing parts simply couldn't be done with storyboards and limited software. Anyway... I hope it gets the idea across! There are several 3d elements to be integrated (ie. the pendand in the beginning, a ring in scene 3, the tower near the end etc.).
Long story... original characters from Shadow Magic

Manga illust

KAGE Productions
wow...speechless...i got ques.? do u do ur own inking? n what do u color ur drawings in?
Go now! Its Free! YES Free!
See my work and me at these other sites! WOW! (Comic Book Freelance) (Sketcheroos) (Atlanta Studio)
uwaaahh~ *___* thank you for nice compliments!! I hope to see your recent sketches, then Raminator! ^_~
WHOOO I finally finished putting together the animatic for my series trailer. There's a few compositing/field size issues that aren't included, but it should give a fairly good idea of what's going on at this point. I'll post in a few...
meanwhile, some sketches/paints.

Here's a forest I tried to paint thanks to a weird dream I had about hobbits being mowed over by these black liquidy creatures in the middle of the night:
This is a snippit from my pilot episode where two characters are arguing over this other chara (who wears shades and never see his eyes) so they are speculating on what his eyes might look like... SLUG EYES


KAGE Productions
kkekeke of course I draw stuff other than manga (anime, rather) x_X I started out drawing Disney... and am currently working on a Disney Flash tv series T_T Flash hates me!!!!
Preview of my 2006 Calendar (original art related to my series)

^_^ Thanks again for taking a look!
KAGE Productions
i'm having a look through all the threads, and all i can say is wow to you all :)
linverse, i love your stuff, it's great!
Have a good one all!
Woaw linverse those things r wonderful...u encourage me to do a sketch now.... :D