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Fave Scene from an Animated Film

By Saider E. | Tuesday, January 4, 2005 at 7:44am

What would scooby do?

Last Night i was watching Toy Story 2 which contains one of my forite animated scene (when Woody gets a "makeover") I think that scene is genious How this old man who can't stop shaking suddenly goes to work. the scene is done with such detal i instantly fell in love with. so now i'm curious to what are your favorite animated scenes?

Saider E.'s picture
What would scooby do?

moot's picture
Submitted by moot on

I really liked the Pink Elephants on Parade scene in Dumbo. I first saw this scene when I was really little and it terrified me, but now when I see it, I can appreciate the brilliance and creativity behind it. Another similarly creepy yet brilliant scene is Hefalumps and Woozals in Winnie the Pooh. Creeped me out, but amazing.

And who could forget the animated scene in Kill Bill. True, the whole movie wasn't animated, but I thought the addition of an animated scene was genius on Quentin Tarantino's part.


victorthroe's picture

since i am not likely to ever recieve an oscar, i will make this my oscar speach

"i would like to mention the following for their inspirational effect on me:

the iron giant when he says SUPERMAN just before colliding with the missile
the 'whats this' song in nightmare before christmas
gastons song in beauty and the beast
when sully faints at what he percieves is boo getting mangled
the outtake in bugs life when the locust cannot stop laughing
goofy olympics
goofy olympics
erm...goofy olympics
the wile e coyote short whith the homing explosive darts
the other wile e coyote toon with the bat suit
the skeleton scene by harryhausen
the whole 'i wanna be like you-oo-oo' scene with willy, especially when he keep slapping the ground off beat
the waterskiing scene in the roger rabbit short (with the bear)
whats opera doc
duck amuck
don hertzfelts rejected
bob godfreys small talk
the lady and the pigeons by chomet
the backgrounds in disneys home on the range blow me away
yodelling in home on the range and goofys skiing
scott joplins rag time
the scene with the lizard trying to reach the key in the rescuers down under
the backgrounds in 101 dalmations
the interior of strombolis cart(during the storm) in pinochio
CANYONERO!!!!!!!!from the simpsons
the chilli cookoff when homer starts to trip out
when darth bobbos lightsaber pops when he sees the womans breasts (6?)
the whole of la passage
the whole of the cat came back
the whole of balance
what a mess
goofy olympics
the adventures of mark twain (*claymation version)

oh dear...i know i have forgotten someone

still, not as bad as jennifer anniston forgetting to mention her husband at the awards
for more movies and downloads

the fastest polygon in the west!


Haredevil_Hare's picture

when sully faints at what he percieves is boo getting mangled - just thought I'd mention that this scene was actually taken from Feed the Kitty (by Chuck Jones c. 1952) just to remind you of who you're actually thanking. ;)

the wile e coyote short whith the homing explosive darts - Lickety Splat (by Chuck Jones c. 1961)
the other wile e coyote toon with the bat suit - Gee Whiz-z-z (by Chuck Jones c. 1956)

I thank you! :D

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

A couple: In Iron Giant, the one when they come flying up the side of the cliff, and the water scene at the lake the one with the cannonball dive.

Spirit Horse of the Cimarron, where he jumps off the cliff and goes down into the water. This isn't my favorite film by any means but it had moments.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Fazendinha's picture
Submitted by Fazendinha on

there are just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many!
How about "feed the kitty", so good that even mighty pixar felt the need to emulate it in a scene in Monster's Inc

"check it out, you know it makes sense!"

Haredevil_Hare's picture

There was one scene in Fritz the Cat as the funky 60's music is playing and the background slowly fits the screen. To the right of the screen is a crow in hobo clothing doing a little groove to the music before the background fits the screen. That scene summed up the overall feel of the film for me.

Actually, that song was Bo Diddley's self titled song Bo Diddley which came out in the mid 50's sometime.

Some of my favourite scenes of animation are:

The entire square-dance sequence in Hillbilly Hare (by Robert McKimson c. 1950)

The multiple door gag in The Screwy Truant "featuring Screwy Squirrel".

Every single scene in What's Opera, Doc (by Chuck Jones c. 1957)

Daffy Duck's first leaping sequence on the lake (animated by Bob Clampett) in Porky's Duck Hunt (by Tex Avery c. 1937)

Tweety hitting Sylvester repeatedly with a shovel in the Oscar winning Tweetie Pie (by Friz Freleng c. 1947)

Every single scene in Book Revue (by Bob Clampett c. 1946)

That's all I can think of for now. :cool:

Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.

You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti

ewomack's picture
Submitted by ewomack on

Everything from the 1930's toon "Bimbo's Initiation" - an early Betty Boop b/w toon. Amazing. Not on DVD yet.

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

A current favorite is from Iron Giant, when Hogarth tries to describe death to the giant after the hunter kills the deer. Powerful, moving stuff - the giant's acting is incredible, especially when you consider the animator only had a hinged jaw and eyelids to work with.

Ed_Gavin's picture
Submitted by Ed_Gavin on

For some reason Bug's Life gets looked over when it comes to Pixar movies but it's one of my favorites. And the scene when Hopper first appears and starts on his "Where's my food?" rant is so wonderfully acted/animated.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

MadnessMark's picture

There was one scene in Fritz the Cat as the funky 60's music is playing and the background slowly fits the screen. To the right of the screen is a crow in hobo clothing doing a little groove to the music before the background fits the screen. That scene summed up the overall feel of the film for me.

PeterWilster's picture

The final scenes in Monsters Inc: From where Sully takes a sigh while watching Boo's drawing and the piece of door to the very end... unforgettably moving

Peter Wilstermann ¦ The Yellow House Project

longarms's picture
Submitted by longarms on

There is so many. I thought the scene in Snow White where the queen turns into the old witch was brilliant for the time. But more recently I love the scene from the Incredibles where the baby turns to lead and fire at the end.

MonkeyGirl's picture
Submitted by MonkeyGirl on

in the last unicorn when all the unicorns rush out of the water. I love that scene, and I love the colors.

Don't do nothing because you can't do everything.

Adam Duff's picture
Submitted by Adam Duff on

Too many to choose from...but I'll give it my best shot.

Iron Giant, when Hogarth climbs out of his windown and up the tree, to check out what made the noise on the roof of his house.

Looney Tunes - "Rabbit of Seville", just the whole damn thing, but more specifically, when he tosses Elmer out through the rotating doors as a satisfied customer, when jumps with excitement at Elmer as the door flings him back on stage as a new customer. Or the look on his face as he waits for Elmers toe-cement pedicure to dry....I'm laughing as I think about it.
Looney Tunes "Jack and the Beanstalk", when Daffy meets Bugs who's asleep in his bed, which is caught in a vine half way up the beanstalk. When daffy yells at Bugs, accusing him of wanting to take all of Daffy's solid gold goodies, Bugs' head pushes back into the pillow in a look of shocked fear. Priceless. Or in "Rabbit Seasoning", when Daffy takes Elmer's arm, as he proudly escorts Elmer back to his cabin to get shot.
The list goes on with Looney Tunes, so I'll cut it short there...

3D Animation -

Shrek 1:...the gingerbread scene, while lord Farquad is interrogating Gigi on the baking sheet. Or the way they did the tall grass using the hair texturing. The colors in general were spectacular in both Shreks.
Shrek 2: The carriage ride through the different seasons was spectacular, or the way Fiona's father's cape very discreetly flows over the dead bird which hd smacked into the wall in shock. The weight of the cape causes the bird's legs to pull down and spring back when the cape pulls off it. Just an attention to detail that earned alot of respect from me. Or the introduction to the Poison Apple bar scene, as you're taken through a dingy, dark unfriendly bar. The belch of the headless horseman, to my favorite of all time scene in any 3D film....
When King Harold, disguised in a cloak, sits at the bar, and looks down to the stool next to him, meeting the eyes of a drunken bar frog with gaudy lipstick and fake eyelashes. You know, then one who says "Have we met somewhere before" with half cocked eyes, trying to keep herself composed and attractive under the weight of way too much alcohol. Absolutely BRILLIANT scene!

So that's it, one milli-fraction of the scenes I love.
