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Required Quotations for three 6 minute animation movie

We plan to produce three 6 minute 2D animated movie for TV. We have story ready and it will be responsibility of supplier to provide us with story boarding and pre production. We will add sound and music. We request interested persons to quote for Prices and pass us links to sample work. If you want to provide sound and music, how much it will be.



ssanimator's picture
Submitted by ssanimator on

200$ per minute for 2d animation - no wonder Indian studios close down all the time :D

presto's picture
Submitted by presto on

ssanimator, our rates are low because we get good quality animators at lesser remuneration. :D

Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
debjit at prestostudio dot com

ssanimator's picture
Submitted by ssanimator on

I hope they get good medical benefits, a clean work environment and decent work hours as well :D

presto's picture
Submitted by presto on

Dear Sir
We are a complete media studio situated in Kolkata, with an animation wing with 30 minutes production capacity per month. We have both 2D and 3D expertise. At present we are looking for projects which we can execute. Since we are a complete media house and in media business over ten years, we are in a position to offer finished animated products and certainly will offer best price.
We will do complete animation job in broadcast quality at Rs.40,000 per minute with sound and storyboard.
Debjit Biswas
CEO, Presto Studio

Web site:
Mail address:
GSM Mobile: +91-9831005663 (+5.30 GMT)

Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
debjit at prestostudio dot com

digimate607's picture
Submitted by digimate607 on


mail me the complete details whether it is character modelling or any other thing, after that we can work on it.

We plan to produce three 6 minute 2D animated movie for TV. We have story ready and it will be responsibility of supplier to provide us with story boarding and pre production. We will add sound and music. We request interested persons to quote for Prices and pass us links to sample work. If you want to provide sound and music, how much it will be.



RRRivero's picture
Submitted by RRRivero on

We're a group of friends with experience in animation for television trying to go independent. :D contact me at and we'll work something out. We have no website, but can email you some samples.
See you.

amor's picture
Submitted by amor on

Please email me at for details, so I can send you our company profile and samples of work and the quotation. Thank you

Best regards,


nrm's picture
Submitted by nrm on

We plan to produce three 6 minute 2D animated movie for TV. We have story ready and it will be responsibility of supplier to provide us with story boarding and pre production. We will add sound and music. We request interested persons to quote for Prices and pass us links to sample work. If you want to provide sound and music, how much it will be.



We like to quote for the work you have listed. For pre-production work we can provide complete concept support and story board work.

We charge a nominal amount of Rs.250 per frame with super quality.

For commercial movie we can quote a rate of Rs.4000 per second on animation part.

We can also come to a packaged deal if the work can be taken up on a mutually agreed basis

If you interact with our story board lead you can get the maximum work done with minimum of cost to suit your requirement.

NRM Digital Media Private Limited

mail to:

Geoff P Edwards's picture

Please forward details of the sound requirements. I would be interested in quoting for voice/dialogue Direction and recording.

"The dog is Cerberus, the girl Zoe, I'm Dirge"

RRRivero's picture
Submitted by RRRivero on

Guys, it seems that not everyone that enters this page has the best intentions. After posting my address here I already won a lottery and got an offer to share the $25 million from a deceased iraqui general. Anybody else got "lucky" ?:D :D :D

Fred's picture
Submitted by Fred on

Hey, I´m a lucky one too...
now that you mencioned I realized about this forum...
In my case, I´ve received an email of Diamond loto. It says I won $750,000.
I went to search about on the net and I found a web site in wich people who´s been victims of this gambling talk about.
They´re all over the world.
:D :D

skinnylizard's picture

what kind of quality do you have in mind and where are you located? if you are anywhere in Western Europe or N.America you will have a different rate on offer vs if you are located somewhere in Asia in which case you will have a rate around 40% less atleast.

$200 is quite possible when someone is working out of their apartment with mates and all pirated software. :p

manoj's picture
Submitted by manoj on


pl check ur pm

mk :)

Anshuman's picture
Submitted by Anshuman on

Dear Rabindra

We specialize in 2D animation serial production for TV, and have already produced a serial for Doordarshan. We are based in New Delhi.
Please visit our site
to check out our work.
If you are interested in our work, please contact us through email,
We would provide you with the best quality animation at the most competitive price.
Please clearly mention all that would be provided to us, along with your specific requirements, to help us to give you a clear estimate.


ORBIT's picture
Submitted by ORBIT on

Dear Sir,
ORBIT can offer you an introductory price of $6000/6min clip. The product will be of broadcast quality, but you have to let me know the technical details of broadcast. We have an inhouse facility of 5.1 surround evaluated sound system with upto 48channel sequencing, THX, EAX, 24Bit Dolby.
The cost of recording and composition will be $50/min.
Get back to us with all your details. We in ORBIT will strive to serve you the best.
Kind regards,
A Maitra
Manager International Marketing

127 BG Salt Lake
Sector II
Ph: +91 33 30965851

ashisante's picture
Submitted by ashisante on

hi mr Ravindra,
this is ashis here a senior animation director having facilities to get anykind of animation for 2d,3d and i am giving u the raugh ratings.but the final ratings can be given once we discuss the type of animation u want.

pre production------(storyboard,character,back ground etc)

is , Rs 8,000 per minute=6x8000=Rs 48,000 total

animation----------(2D animation,clean ups,colouring,edditting)

is , Rs 1,000 - Rs 2,500 per minute.

For more detail pls contact me on or u can call me on 040 23535677 between 2.30 pm to 5 pm in working days.thanks

joshinikhil's picture

Dear Mr. Rabindra,
We r intrested to do the work for u,
u cna visit my web
& i would like to quote after seeing the script for the aniamtion
but generally aniamtion prizes starts from 200 us$/minutes
if u want to see the samples of our worlk pls send an email or call me i wil give u a ftpid & passowrd from there u cna download our aniamtion works

Nikhil joshi

We plan to produce three 6 minute 2D animated movie for TV. We have story ready and it will be responsibility of supplier to provide us with story boarding and pre production. We will add sound and music. We request interested persons to quote for Prices and pass us links to sample work. If you want to provide sound and music, how much it will be.



Best Regards
Nikhil Joshi
+91 94264 19022

bikram_naskar's picture

Dear Ravindra,

Will you please let me know your email ID? I also would like to see the samples. Our company is located in Kolkata and currently working with three overseas clients.

You also can contact me on


Antitoons's picture
Submitted by Antitoons on

We are independent flash animation Antitoon studio, specializing both in artisti films and commerial work. We charge $100-300 per minute, depending on how difficult the job is. if your story is ready, and you will do the music - it will be cheaper. We are also very flexible in terms to meet your requirements.

If interested, please mail us at, and we will send you some other samples of our commercial works.

Fountain_Pixels's picture

Hi Rabindra:

I’m Rahul Gadiya, Managing Director of FOUNTAIN PIXELS – a progressive Multimedia Production company specializing in 2D/3D Animation & having focused expertise in providing innovative multimedia production services for Multimedia Studios/Companies across the globe.

I would like to ask you regd the quality issue and time frame for the entire project. If you can reveal more details on it then we can arrive at near exact quoatation.

You can mail me all the details directly on my mail id -

I'll wait for your mail.


We have successfully developed till date:

- 10 Cartoon films in 2D animation of approx. 30 minutes duration each
- 1 Cartoon film in 3D animation of 33 minutes
- Various other MM work like Corporate presentations, e-catalogues,
websites, print media designing, Corporate Identity programs etc.

You can find more info abt my comany on the website -

Thanks & Best Regards,
Rahul Gadiya
(MD - Fountain Pixels)
Tel.: +91 20 30914220
Cell: +91 94220 21410

Mushtaq's picture
Submitted by Mushtaq on

could you please give me information about how much per minute would be charged for a 2D animation,
example: like Meena Cartoon.

I would appreciat to recieve it on my '' '' ASAP