I am from The Netherlands, and in the 80's I think we had on Dutch television an animated series of the adventures of a little man drawn out of a white single line on a black background.
I think it was called La Ligna.
Has anyone seen it and where can I find material about it?
ahaha barbapapa...
did you have the wattoo watto bird also???
la linea has also been a major influence on me..
but i didn't realise it untill very recently ..
like , only a year ago.
thats a blast from the past-in the states that toon was on "the Great Space Coaster," along with puppet creatures such as Gary Gnu. (All gnuuus is good gnuuuus with Gary Gnu).
That hand doesn't look very jerky. Is it brought in frame by frame, superimposed, what? Smoothing comb job with it.
Thanks for this.
Ya hadda bring up the darn barbapapas. I can still remember my friend David singing the song, which he apparently had memorized.
After spending my day with high schoolers, its nice to get around some folks who know the same 'toons as I do.
Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...
Oh man I totally remember this! Wow, I feel old all of a sudden...
oh yeah..
la linea .. the little character created by cavandoli.
there you go.
We had it here in Brazil too, it was called "A Linha" :)
It aired together with the Barbapapas and others. Huge influence for me.