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Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007


I thought it would be cool if we could start a new sketching thread. I'll kick it off! I hope to see lots o' art! Cheers

Danimation's picture
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007

mikeparker's picture
Submitted by mikeparker on

Love the Teen you gotta make the boxing wolf from Teen Wolf 2...just kidding, that movie was too awful to recreate anything from.

Here's a duck I drew at work yesterday. He's not in any Halloween theme...unless you just think ducks are scary in general


ScatteredLogical's picture

Do the world a favor, Dan, and show one of your characters step-by-step, from initial construction to finished drawing. =)

(That's my way of saying please)

Tiffa Lei's picture
Submitted by Tiffa Lei on

Thanks, Chason! Diversity in style is good, right? XD

Tallart: Awesome!! Thanks for the links! It looks interesting, if not a bit suspicious... I've emailed them some questions last week and haven't heard anything back yet.

Danimation: Thank you~ I'm certainly considering it ^_^ it would be nice to have that kind of cash o______o;; I agree with ScatteredLogical, please show us how you do it!! *laughs*

Here's today's sketches...

ughhh his head is so fubarred!!

Yes, I like Lion King...

Tallart's picture
Submitted by Tallart on

Let us know if you hear back form them linverse.
I have nothing for today been working on a painting for the last two days. ( looks like I might have did an overkill on it)

Danimation's picture
Submitted by Danimation on

Devil and Lin, sweet work. Thanks for the comps too everyone. Mike, lol, no Teen Wolf Too...please! SL, I'll try and post a rough to finished piece here someday soon...but for now, here's one last ghoulish drawing. (I know it's Nov.2 but I've been busy busy the past couple days) I hope everyone had a great Halloween! Cheers

Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007

Tiffa Lei's picture
Submitted by Tiffa Lei on

Still no word from those guys. Makes me even more wary... anyway!! I had a really boring Halloween! Didn't get to do anything except an amusement park on Friday night, but it RAINED >_<.

More from bordom.. and classroom blaaaaah
Again messing around with some styles etc.

ScatteredLogical's picture

but for now, here's one last ghoulish drawing.

Anyone else hear Gene Wilder going "Damn your eyes!" and then Marty Feldman: "Too late!" Looks as if it partly inspired that sketch lol

Danimation's picture
Submitted by Danimation on

I really like the BG Fiddle! Scoob, great colors too! Here are some concept designs for a new comic due out in about a year. Cheers


Billy Deal




Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007

toonsrcool's picture
Submitted by toonsrcool on

Hello everyone, I've been away for awhile now but have updated my site with my demo reel as well as many drawings, which I'm updating daily. Here's a pic I did recently. LMK what everyone thinks, I'm very open to critques, anything to make my work better.

website is:



damage's picture
Submitted by damage on

Hey guys been busy for a while, glad to see everyone has kept this up. Love seeing all the cool stuff people r putting up. I haven't been around but still been sketching. Here r some of mine sketches and studies. I decided to get back to the basics and brush up some. Also am trying to studie more of the anime art form.

ScatteredLogical's picture

When you look like that, where the hell do you shop for clothes that fit?

ScatteredLogical's picture

Awesome work, damage! Love the eye sheet for some odd reason o_O

I was thinking the same thing. Then I thought "I don't know how old he is, or if he's trying to get into school, but if he was, I'd accept him. That's exactly what I, as Assistant Dean over at Fake University, am looking for in portfolio work."

Zodiac's picture
Submitted by Zodiac on

Hey Toonsrcool! How's it going! Remeber me?

Danimation > that is some really sweet stuff! Nice work.

Thought I'd throw up some of mine. Let me know what you think everyone!

damage's picture
Submitted by damage on

Hey guys thanks for all the cool comments.

Dan Micheal is doing great. He still wakes up at night and his favorite pass time is burping and chugging down milk. Man that's the life. Hey how'r u guys doing? You should be expecting pretty soon huh. You did say Dec if I remember correctly. I bet u must be getting pretty nervouse with the due date starting to loom overhead. I know i was. Even though this is my third one i still panicked when she gave me the thumbs up. I hope u guys don't mind here is a pic of the little guy.

Ok enough of my babling. Here r some more of my sketches. More anime studies.

Zodiac I like them. Hows about some full body shots? Did u do them digitally or traditonal?

Danimation's picture
Submitted by Danimation on

Damage, your son is aborable! Congrats again! Our baby is due at the beginning on Dec, but you kow the date itself is very iffy! Great work with the anime style too. Tall and Lin, I'm really enjoying your work as well! Cheers

Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007

Shany's picture
Submitted by Shany on

I started drawing on my Skateboard, since my old one got scrapped off :)
here is the basic cuntor lines.. colors.. soon when my friend comes to aid me (i am color blind.. so i can't color at all)

note: it's 'Ken' from "Street Fighter Pocket" series.

Visit my site

ScatteredLogical's picture

Ok...pretty -please- can we see a Danimation drawing from constructions onward?

badbrad's picture
Submitted by badbrad on

just something i started for art class. i get bored. i try to spice things up. this is a self portrait when i drew this i actually had an intense migraine.
