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Freelance Illustrators Wanted!!

By Tonny | Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 3:41am

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Kevin's picture
Submitted by Kevin on

Wow, that's incredibly generous. Assuming one can work at lightning speed and never needs to do any preliminary sketches or color studies, that would work out to maybe a dollar an hour just for the labor, or almost enough to cover the costs of one's materials.

Of course, if you use typical professional illustration techniques, and good materials, then you'd not only work end up working for free, but you'd lose money on the deal after you pay for your supplies.

But think of the exposure!

Graphiteman's picture

This has is so outrageous I'm laughing hysterically on the inside.
A)You're clueless as to publishing.
B)You believe illustrating is really that easy
c)You meant $20,000.00