Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
I thought it would be cool if we could start a new sketching thread. I'll kick it off! I hope to see lots o' art! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
This thread is great.
So much of the work in here is fantastic.
Fourchinnigan Productions | Journal | Fourchinnigan Publications
Wow, jchap - I wish you loads of computer trouble in the future - those are my favorites so far - They have that 'animatable' loosey-goosey quality.
Dan - what a great head you have - it's so limber. There's a big difference between your sketches and the Rotten Banana guy - do you switch gears when you color or .. ? And when do you decide which characters you'll animate? Or do you just sketch away?
swank - I guess that's TX landscape, but you captured some of the CA country in spirit (we don't have those craggly things) yes, though, some roll/foothills would get it. very cool.
here's what i did yesterday. i don't expect you to see the improvements, but there are. this thread has been instrumental in reminding me to try again every day.
Sweet work guys! Thanks for the comps too. It's an honor to be compared to Steve's work! Thanks Chap. cjaye, here are the answers to your queries.
The Rotten Banana started with a sketch of the ape, then I decided to color it in flash. When I do flash work I like to make it crisp. I find that flash lends itself well to a UPA, Blair style of art, flat colors and whatnot. Not that mine looks near as good as those collection of works. Usually I just sketch whatever comes of the top of my head. I guess that all of the drawings could be animated, but I never think about that when I'm sketching. I just try and focus on being loose with the lines, as well as trying to be creative. Here is todays sketch. It's bizarre cause I hadn't looked at Chap's work (which is awesome) since I last posted, and now that I do, I see some similarities between his work and this drawing. Crazy! I was inspired to do this by the old General Mills Monster Cereals (Count Chocula...etc). I love that style, so I kinda took some from it and put in a bit of my own in. I have no idea what this guys cereal would be though! :D Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
I suck ass at drawing so i wont post a pic but damn you guys are good!!! :)
I scaned my sketchbook aswell here u go. compliments to u guys, there is some quality stuff out there
ooh 135 kb>the .jpeg is to big so here is a link :
Very Nice
Hey Danimation, I really like your stuff, how are you at comic book stuff, I was wondering if you would ever be intrested in working on a non-paying static animation project I'm working on???
I forgot to tell you that the project is on the serious side, something like a Spawn type story.
Thanks for all the birthday kudos! I had a great day indeed. Damage, that is so twisted and disturbing.....I LOVE IT! You gotta color that! Trixter, welcome to the forums, I really like the plant guy, a hat tip to you. Dream, sent you a PM, and thanks for the comps. Here is another in the JL series. I posted the rough earlier last week. Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
New comer
I am a new comer, glad to be a member of you. My homepage is http://www.azurestudio.net/english/index.html
Hope to learn from you. :)
you guys are great...! What kind of pencils do u use... I'm about to embark on my quest to become an animator... need tips.... thx
Here is today's sketch! Welcome to the forum pilser! I normally use a prismacolor or ebony pencil to rough. I hope to see some of your work on here. Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Here is today's diddy! Coal minin'.....believe it or not, it's the second dangerous profession!
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Great work as always Dan. Your stuff is looking really great.
Here's one from today.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Sweet work Chap, love it!. Here is today's drawing! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
I can't sleep.....so I thought I'd do another pic. Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Today's daily!
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Not as good as any of yours, but I still wanted to submit it.
lets talk business
I appreciate your new thread for illustration work. I am working for an animation organization LV APL in India. Could you please help me know how a thread is initiated?
Ashish Maan
Nice work Cavy, and dan sweet animation, tallart inspired me to try n color all my drawings before putting them up now. Hopefully get some soon, i got alot its just i dont have my own comp. now, so im working from the skool...:( but keep up the nice work guys and gals....
Go now! Its Free! YES Free!
See my work and me at these other sites! WOW!
http://fearcomedy.com/ (Comic Book Freelance)
http://derrickcanyon.blogspot.com/ (Sketcheroos)
www.radicalaxis.com (Atlanta Studio)
Glad to here that I inspired you Scoob.
Color to me is a real pain in the But. Never seen to get the color just right but I keep trying.
Here is a new water color painting call Sweet Flower ( yeah Im on a flower kick with my water colors :) )
Have to say the people on this Board inspired me to try cartoons and Manga.
More drawing by Tallart
Nice work Danimation!!
Looking good everybody!!
Here is one for today that's not in color but I just had to get her of my mind.
Later if not sooner
DS :cool:
here's mine for today
Visit my site http://www.animdesk.com
another quicky
Visit my site http://www.animdesk.com
Great work Shany Are those from school?????
More drawing by Tallart
hi TallArt,
School, no i'v never been in any Art School.
those are just my daily sketches of a model art.
Visit my site http://www.animdesk.com
well this is fun.
been a while...
hello everybody, I know it's been a while for me... been spending all my free time animating! I've been checking back frequently though and I always enjoy what I see here. here's something I whipped up...
"i love the graph editor"
and visit me on myspace...
Here is one today from me messing around with Pastels
More drawing by Tallart
I've been sloooowly animating this one for the past few days.
κοTυλούOριαφAρυγαSνιάςTトーストYパンплBюшкиU здрNавицSы
Here is one I finished last night late last night. :D
Also found a way to post it larger then the others I have been posting.
More drawing by Tallart
The rough version and finished version of Kiba, from "Wolf's Rain." The rough is done in graphite pencil. The final was done in Flash MX 2004. :D
2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions
Great work guys! Thanks to everyone for keeping this thread alive! Here are some sketches for today! Cheers:D
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Hey Dan!
Dan's the man! He does BGs for my webtoon.
Awesome work Dan, you've got me inspired to do some sketches of my own and post em...but not just yet....at work right now and the boss man may not approve
Well I havne't been around these forums in ages... thought I'd drop a few doodles while I'm here. I am in much need of a daily sketching thing!! I apologize in advance since I've got no idea how to attach files as those thumbnails o_O;;
KAGE Productions
Hey Linverse, Nice work I like the Manga look, I'm a real fan of that look, here is mine for today, keep up the nice work.
Later if not sooner,
DS :cool:
There's some sweet artwork on this thread...I don't do too many "serious" sketches, I'm mainly cartoony- but here's a concept sketch I had done awhile back...
Sweet stuff!! You really have a handle on the manga style. :D
Here's another one of mine. Brian Griffin from "Family Guy."
2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions
Some sketches i did...:o
Go now! Its Free! YES Free!
See my work and me at these other sites! WOW!
http://fearcomedy.com/ (Comic Book Freelance)
http://derrickcanyon.blogspot.com/ (Sketcheroos)
www.radicalaxis.com (Atlanta Studio)
Great work as always!
mikeparker, i like that concept... a creepy bone creature... nice!
Just trying to keep up...
"i love the graph editor"
and visit me on myspace...
Hey thanks Devil-
I'll try and submit some more- Your duck cracks me up. He's like a hippy, rasta, homeless type of guy...lots of character! I like him
Here's 2 pics i did bout a year n a half ago, they're colored!...somewhat..:p ..latez
Go now! Its Free! YES Free!
See my work and me at these other sites! WOW!
http://fearcomedy.com/ (Comic Book Freelance)
http://derrickcanyon.blogspot.com/ (Sketcheroos)
www.radicalaxis.com (Atlanta Studio)
Thanks so much for the responses for ma doodles XD. I always love to see how others sketch and build thier drawings! *loves this thread* yay!
Unfortunately I concentrate on illustration work so most of the sketches turn into illusts^^; ummmm just let me know if I'm spamming drawings excessively! eee *hides*
I'm also interested in fashion design ^_^

Finished illust:

KAGE Productions
Great work Linverse.
What did you do the coloring in?
More drawing by Tallart
Thanks mikeparker, glad you liked my duck! Please do post more. I checked out your College University site... great stuff! Only saw the 1st episode, but looking forward to seeing all 8.
linverse, cool stuff! Those fashion designs are pretty sweet. Keep posting! Oh, and to attach your images into those thumbnails, just go to the 'Additional Options' by scrolling down underneath where you reply and click on the "Manage Attachments" button. You can then upload images from your computer! :D
Anyways, here's what came out of my head today...
"i love the graph editor"
and visit me on myspace...
Hey Devil,
checked out your 3D work- really cool stuff- gonna check out your other reels....
Sum mo..
Go now! Its Free! YES Free!
See my work and me at these other sites! WOW!
http://fearcomedy.com/ (Comic Book Freelance)
http://derrickcanyon.blogspot.com/ (Sketcheroos)
www.radicalaxis.com (Atlanta Studio)
Good works
I liked ur works..everyone is doing his own style...woaw...wonderful style linverse keep it up....and everybody too...anyway this is a devil profile.... :)
hey mike, thanks for checking out my site, I appreciate that!
scoob, cool sketches, keep it up! and ramimator, sweet devil... a bit different from mine, eh? :D
well, this is fun...
"i love the graph editor"
and visit me on myspace...
Wow, I'm out of the loop! It's been a while since I was last here, and there's some sweet work up! Good job everyone! Here's my diddy for today, more Hellboy of course. Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Here is one for today
More drawing by Tallart