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Can u help me??

By Ramimator | Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 1:12pm


I'm Rami,20 years old,my problem now is that i'm living in Egypt,and there is no colleges or schools here for i entered in a design school just design...and worked in a production company in the same time to study design in my school and work in 3d animation in this company,but i need to study real animation 2d and 3d..The Animation specially 2d (DRAWING) we r just animating on 3d programs simple animations without experience in animation...i found books but no way to just learn like this i need teachers...right??....i tried to travel(USA,CANADA,FRANCE..etc..) but as everybody know, it's very expensive...and it's v.difficult to travel there...i have a dream to work in companies like PIXAR,DISNEY,DREAM WORKS but as u know it's just a dream... ...i'm drawing now as practice..but i need study ...really....what can i do??..THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLY.

lilicooper's picture
Submitted by lilicooper on

Hi Rami, I was in the process of sending a lengthy reply when explorer froze on me. So forgive me now for making this short.

I have a few suggestions to your dilema. One would be to find someone in your locality who could mentor you and be paid on a fee basis. Other wise you could try a course on the net but I doubt you would get any certification this way if that is important to you.

There must be an animation agency somewhere in Egypt that you could contact. They might have some further ideas, how did they get their start?

Other than this I would try to get my hands on books and instructional videos/dvd's, again can be bought over the web. Perhaps you have a library that can help with this or get more on this topic for you. In Melbourne, Aus. we have ACMI, the Australian Centre for the Moving Image. They loan films, and have great exhibitions of multimedia and animation etc..
Do you have anyone like this over there?

One last thing, just be careful with anyone you pay money out to, try to be sure that they are reputable.

Best of luck.

Ramimator's picture
Submitted by Ramimator on

HI lili,

thank u sooo much for ur reply and ur kind advice,but here we don't have like "In Melbourne, Aus. we have ACMI, the Australian Centre for the Moving Image. They loan films, and have great exhibitions of multimedia and animation etc.."..u know i try to use any chance i have : like having books,buying books but ...i think it's not enough ...anyway i want this field so much.. i'm doing my best ...reallyy thxx sooooo much for helping me.....(sorry my english is bad)....

Rami D.

g12's picture
Submitted by g12 on

Living in Egypt should be the least of your problem. You need practice. You should look into art department in colleges and universities. There is a lot you can learn in school, but if you don't practice and create more works outside of class, you will suffer. The point I am trying to make is that it is you who will decide where you go. The only thing I would suggest is to continue drawing and creating. Whatever programs you can get your hands on, use it to practice and develop more work. The more you do, the better you will get. You mentioned you have books, read them, and at the production company you work, I think you can find a mentor (production manager, artists, editors) that can help you. Also, you want someone with experience, it helps if they are teachers or animators, but they should know the business/industry.

In the job industry, it is all about your skills and what you can do. An impressive portfolio will get you a job at Pixar even if you are Egypt.

g12 :D

Ramimator's picture
Submitted by Ramimator on

Hi G12

Thank you for replying..i'm like u said, trying to practice drawing and reading books but about animation mentor or teacher there is no professional animator's artist here..they r not prof...just (beginners)..animation is a new field in Egypt so....anyway i'm trying...and i will go on.. ;) ... I appreciate ur kind advice..thx sooo much..Cheers..

Rami D.

g12's picture
Submitted by g12 on

Since you are trying to learn, perhaps you can help me with my project. I posted the annoucement on the forum. What do you say?

Ramimator's picture
Submitted by Ramimator on

Hi G12,

for ur project i think u need prof. animators right??i'm a beginner..and never use flash...:/..what do u think??...anyway i never say no to chances...:)...just inform me what i can do...u have my e-mail (public profile)..Thank you... :)

Rami D.

Robelicit's picture
Submitted by Robelicit on

Hello Rami D,
I hear you! Would any of yall mind going to the other thread related to these school questions, cause I just posted a similar question, it's at Lizz's thread:
"College Advice/Guidance? started by lizz"

My situation is that I'm older { :cool: :o } nowadays so I'm looking at schools for a bit of a different issue, but it's still the problem of finding good teaching or mentoring programs...

But Rami, I think these guys are correct when they say to continue practicing & making all the art you can for now, because you'll not only improve, but the good studios and/or schools will ALWAYS appreciate seeing lots of good attitude toward improvement and passion for creativity & technical growth, even if you're just a beginner.


- + [',] + -
Always remember that you are absolutely unique.
Just like everyone else.
-- Margaret Mead

Ramimator's picture
Submitted by Ramimator on

Thx Rob i appreciate ur kind advice and really...understand everybody tried to give me advices....thx for all...and u too...cheers and good luck..:)

Rami Daoud

g12's picture
Submitted by g12 on

Hi G12,

for ur project i think u need prof. animators right??i'm a beginner..and never use flash...:/..what do u think??...anyway i never say no to chances...:)...just inform me what i can do...u have my e-mail (public profile)..Thank you... :)

Rami D.

I need animators and not necessarily a professional one. In fact, this project is ideal for someone interested in gaining more skills in Flash. What are your skills? If you can't do Flash, is there something else you do? Check the post "volunteer animation work". It has all the information. If you have further questions, let me know.


omarpac's picture
Submitted by omarpac on

so ramy u r egyption eh?
u want to be a 3d/2d animator and work for pixar
datz gr8 man
so which skool u go to?
by da way
am egyption too and i have the exact problem u are goin thru
am in international academy for media science
look most doctors from frinearts wont help u believe me
look when u get this email reply and maybe we cud meet up and talk
its a long story

Ramimator's picture
Submitted by Ramimator on

ezayak ya omar...
look give me ur mobile number and we can meet.. to discuss problems...this will be great...cheers

Daniel Poeira's picture

Do you guys prefer to be employees at some american studio, or would you prefer to be the owners of Egypt's largest studio ever? Think about it... ;)

Ramimator's picture
Submitted by Ramimator on

Hi mr. Daniel,

i can't begin my career as being an owner of a large studio in Egypt...first i must be an animator (i don't like the word employee cause we r artists and i love this job) in a company no matter where but at least a good company where i can get experience and maybe not only one company(more than one)....and than thinking to own a studio ...that's my opinion...thx :)