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P2P animation community

Hi everybody !
Today, a revolutionnary idea !

Finding animation stuff around internet is really hard. There are not a lot of tutorial; movies... to see; and when there is, it's on a huge amouts of websites and not around a central one.

So we imagine something that could really make your search easy.
Why not create a Peer 2 Peer animation's community, where all of us; animators; could share tutorials, documents; shorts; ideas...
Of course it should be legal stuff.

If you want to try it, go to :

I've tryed to post the most complete information I can. Please excuse my bad english !

Muppet2004's picture
Submitted by Muppet2004 on

Sounds like a great idea to me! ;) I'll give it ago.

Don't forget to try out the live animation chat rooms

Daniel Poeira's picture

I've added everybody to my list!

My username is dwerneck ;)

"And now we're gonna teach you the most important thing about friendship... shaaaaring!!!" - Robot Jones