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The Website

Hey All,

Thought I would post my website up here as well. Just finished it let me know what you think. Should have some layouts up later this week. I am pumping out the keyframes and animation this summer so should be uploading alot more in the weeks to come.


Rob T Miller's picture Animator Neversoft Entertainment [URL=] [/URL]

Flashman's picture
Submitted by Flashman on

nice site! like the animation section, good luck with your final project.

just one tip tho, with your talent, don't get a big head...



Wade K's picture
Submitted by Wade K on

I have to admit. I am impressed with your demo reel. It sure makes a difference with grads of 3D animation when they learn 2D as well. Your timing is very nice.

They must be doing something right at that SCAD. Maybe that Larry Lauria is not so bad a teacher, regardless of what Jchap says about him. Just kidding, Chappy.... (and Larry of course). That reel sheds some light for me on the quality of edu-ma-cation that comes from SCAD. Glad I saw it.

Keep it up!


"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon

Rob T Miller's picture

Thanks wade very appreciated. It was beaten into my head by Larry that you cant go anywhere with 3D unless you understand the traditional principles. And you are right Larry is a great teacher! By far one of the best I have had! If you really want to see some talented work that just came out of SCAD check out David B's site.

He is also a fellow student of Larry!

Animated Ape's picture

Some very nice work Rob. I can really see Larry's influence on your work. And thats a good thing :D Your traditional work had a very nice feel to it, better than your 3D work, but I know that will get better in time. One little comment though. I thought your staging of the ninja fiddling with the remote could have been clearer. Other than that, very nice. Very nice indeed. Did you say you gradutated or do you still have some school left?

The Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Animated Ape's picture

Well Rob, I won't say "you'll have no problem finding a job when you finish," because nothing is ever for certain. But if this is your junior year work, I'm sure you'll have an even stronger demo reel to show when you get out into the job market.

The Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

kms007's picture
Submitted by kms007 on

Rob - you're new site looks awesome!

I'm also attending SCAD - I'm surprised we haven't run into each other. I'm usually working in the systems office tho, or periodically fixing those 2D capture stations LOL. Anyway, just wanted to give you props on your site - it looks great!

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