See you in Savannah

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See you in Savannah

I'm leaving my comfortable, high-paying, and very dull engineering job of 7 years in Sept. to pursue an uncertain (yet hopefully rewarding!) career in animation. I'll be studying at SCAD starting in the fall. After a bachelor's in animation I'm hoping to continue and get a Master's in illustration.

Look forward to meeting those of you there, if anyone wants to get together sometime drop me a line...I should be moving down sometime between Sept 5-10.

PS If anybody has any leads on a 2 bedroom rental close to downtown, I'm all ears...

Well, quite frankly if you have a car your best bet is to either live on Hutchinson Island or on the Southside near Georgetown, because living downtown isn't its cracked up to be :D

But welcome to Savannah, anyway! I'll be doing my last quarter this Fall. See you there.


My wife will have a car, haven't decided whether to keep our second car or get rid of it. If my current employer (IBM) decides to keep me on working remotely, then I'll get rid of it and buy a street-legal race car (rally car, to be specific) and drive it occasionally, but mostly I intend to ride my bike everywhere. I've done the commuter thing, not really interested doing it again for a while. Looks like we do have an apartment now on Park ave, we looked at it when we were in town a month ago and liked it.

Enjoyed flipping thru your portfolio. Have you got a job yet, or any leads? Maybe we'll get together sometime this fall. See you around...

Hey man You are going to love this place. I am starting my last year in animation. Faculty is great and belive me you will be getting your moneys worth! See you in Sept!


You're in good company, jprowland! I know how you must have felt leaving engineering behind to pursue a career in animation. I did the very same thing two years ago, and have had no regrets. (Best decision I ever made, next to marrying my wife.) ;)

We live on the South Side of Savannah -- a 15 minute commute to Montgomery Hall (where all computer animation and classical 2D animation classes are held). It's not a bad commute at all.

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Hello There!


Welcome to the clan!

I live on Wilmington Island- 10 minutes to the beach 15 minutes to town.

On a jammed day it takes 20 minutes to drive to Montgomery Hall.

There are LOTS of possibilities.
