[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
Hey guys and gals! Moviefone posted a garfield preview. (you only have to put up with my garfield stuff for another week! :D )
There are four of my shots right in the begining...the whole pillow sequence. It fun to finally see it in full color and sound. anyhoo, enjoy!
Looking great! :D
You must be getting pretty giddy so close to the releasedate. ;)
Congrats to everyone involved, I'm sure it'll do great.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy [i]-Tom Waits
hey congrats on the great work matt :)
it's an honor to be with such professinals of the industry :cool:
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Oh my God. I hate song sequences enough already as it is, but now Bill Murray is singing?!?!?! *shaking head*
At any rate, it looks like a fun film. I will just plug my ears and think happy thoughts when Bill starts to sing.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
dave- yeah, its pretty exciting. Its always alot of fun to see your stuff on the big screen, with a big audience!
evand- thanks, there are quite a bit of us here.everything from directors, to cg, to 2d...its great!
wade- i know i know...we felt the same way....its a little differant though...its not so much a disneyfied song sequence, it more like bill murrary making fun of one, its actually pretty funny as it gets to the end. But in the end, it is a movie for kids...but there is actually quite a bit of really nice animation in it.
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
and i'm just a student.. it maybe just a regular day for you.. but i am really honored being among you folks..
i was talling all my friends at work today that i talked to a guy who worked on garfield.. it was SO COOL:D
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Oh my... I remember when I was young and awestruck by people who worked on things I knew or had seen on the big screen or on TV. Hehehehe. I remember animation students years ago awestruck by the fact that we were making Beavis and Butthead.
Now Matt... Don't let that go to your head, mate. I was young too, and got a big ego when people would say things like that (not that you have or anything). When I started directing was my worst period for the "big head syndrome". I actually thought my own crap didn't stink.
Anyways... Just playing with you...
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
wade you sound like my old boss! He used to lecture a friend and i about egos in animation. trust me, its pretty much the last thing you have to worry about with me. I like my job too much to let that get in the way.
I am proud of my shots though, its some of the best animation i have done, however, Its all about what's next for me. The stuff i have learned from garfield will defentally help me on LWW. Its more of a confidence thing, i feel like i can attempt animating just about anything now, which is big for me. The daunting blank page (or blank screen) doesn't scare me anymore (as much!)
If i ever get to a point were i don't feel like i am learning anymore, then i'm out. I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Thanks for your kind comments evand...If you ever have any questions feel free to drop me an email.
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
It is always good to be proud of what you do, and to feel good about doing it. Even better to always strive to get better.
Cheers mate
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
oh you bet matt..
and wade
you worked on Beavis and butthead.. COOL BEANS :D
well i'll be done with my demo reel next monday.. june 17th is the graduation.. i'll post a link of my reel in this site.. maybe will get some great professional feedback :cool:
i love this site:)
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Dude, I don't even put Beavis and Butthead on my resume because I am so embarassed by it. I had to cut my resume down (it was more than the standard size of 2 pages), so I had to find some "strategic" places to cut down, and I think layout/posing on a piece of trash such as B&B is a pretty safe place to cut.
Good job on getting throiugh school. Now the real learning will begin. You will find that you will learn more in 3 months working than you learned in 3 years of college, and wonder "why the hell did I even go there?". Happens to us all... But you still really did need to spend the 3 years there regardless.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
Hello There!
Hello Matt,
Been enjoying some R and R at the Beach- while the home front is covered. A wonderful mix of business and pleasure unfolded.
I have limited access to the web for the week.
Great to see everything is almost finished - congrats!
Can't wait to see the film.
Check out Davis Bokser's film at:
Have fun!
See you in August!
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Matt I look forward to seeing the film. I enjoyed the musical interlude. Here's a picture of a little guy that traveled around with me in my Suzuki for years. Now both he and the Suzuk are garaged.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Matt, just got some free passes for a screening here in Tampa, FL (June 10, i think ...) so I'll be checking it out.
I'm not a big fan of the cat, but my wife was when she was a teenager, and my 3 year old is looking forward to it ... so I'm ready to enjoy your hard work! :)
Hey phacker that garfield looks like he's been around! augusto, i think your 3 year old is going to love it, hes looks like a big stuffed animal come to life. I hope you like it as well, the plot is very much for kids...but there is nice animation, and ofcourse jen hewitt in lots of little dresses through out the movie, so its not all bad (o: (not to offend any of our female animators out there, just stating a fact) :D
I'm seeing the final film for the first time on Tues, i will let you guys know what i think!
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
Jennifer LOVE Hewitt... She will make ANY movie worth watching.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
Hi guys,
Well last night, I unashamably fell into Wade's category of a person "young and awestruck by people who worked on things I knew or had seen on the big screen or on TV"! I was walking through the cinema foyer, on my way to see The Day after Tomorrow, when I saw a "coming soon" of Garfield. I couldn't resist telling my friends, "I know of a guy who's on an animation forum I frequent that worked on that!!" I know that sounded lame, but it's wonderful the way this site works in bringing us all together: those who are already in the industry, who can discuss/debate all sorts of issues and those of us who aren't there yet and would love to learn from the former how we can maximize our chances of success. Good on you Matt for your work on Garfield. I'll make sure I stay 'til they kick me out, so I can watch for your name in the credits!
thanks keena! unfortunatly, us poor folk in visual effects always get listed last, after the caterers assistants. (o:
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW that's exactly what i've been telling these guys..
but i stopped saying i know a guy.. i just spit it out like.. "Foo, i know Matt who worked on garfield" they be like "who is Matt?"
Do i need to say more???
Suddenly garfield is starting to look better.. Thanks to Matt, Garfield will sell an extra box office ticket this summer. :D
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i'm pretty sure i don't want to go see it :(
sorry Matt, it has nothing to do with your animation
its not a film for me
Peter Wassink - Digital 2D Animator
and what makes him the expert???
one person can ruin it for a lot of ppls.. :mad: i'll go see it regardless...
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one thing i don't understand is, why can't a kids film just be a kids film sometimes.
It certainly not the most clever film in the world, and i defentally have my problems with it. but i do really think kids will enjoy it. probably not teens. But it is not made for that age group.
as far as the crit,
its from aintitcool. you have to understand the source. AIC is where fan boys go to die. (o: it wouldn't matter how good garfield was, they were never going to like it. They drool over things like hellboy, not kiddie movies. anyhoo, everytime i am on that site, i just think of the comic book guy from the simpsons.
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
in my book hellboy is a kiddy movie too.
but matt i understand your AIC critisism
however i'm afraid the critics seem pretty unanimous on Garfield
see rottentomatoes,
one of the reviews i read there,
could mention only one thing good about the film... the animation:
" To be fair, the computer animation in “Garfield” is of excellent quality.
The feline moves nicely, and he’s integrated well into the live action.
(He has a tendency to break into song and/or dance too often,
but that’s hardly the fault of the effects team from Pixel Magic.) "
good one for you Matt!
Peter Wassink - Digital 2D Animator
PIXEL MAGIC? did they even work on garfield? maybe some wire removal. but R & H did garfield, and compositing. and stan winston and rainmaker did the other animals.
don't get me wrong, i don't expect good reviews for this movie, scooby doo got blasted when it came out, and to be fair, it was terrible, however, kids love it!
It is nice to hear that the animation is getting compliments. Thats exactly how i feel about the movie, the story is nothing new, and defentally for kids. But the reason to see this movie is for the animation. I know i am biased, but its some nice stuff.
Ok, i love this one!
thats my shot (o:
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
brad..this was very much a studio (fox) movie. I'm not even sure that had even read garfield before shooting this movie. Thats were most of my problems lie with the movie, but, oh well, i still think kids will like it, but its not the movie i would have made (o:
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
Hello Matt
Hello Matt,
Haven't seen the flick yet but I did enjoy the promo. Saw a few of your shots and they look good.
I think it would be a bit niave for folks to think an animator actually has something to do with film's story. If you are talking personal short film, okay, but a studio animator is just doing their job and they try to breathe life into the character and effect the story where they can- and as you know - All of the time it has to do with the story.
Great job! It's a wonderful beginning to a long career.
I worked on STAR TREK, the Movie- never saw it - didn't want to - it was a job!
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well, i finally saw the finished movie. all in all, a very cute movie for kids. teens probably won't be interested, and adults will tolerate it.
They cut one of the sequences entirely, which i had a shot in, and they changed a bunch of the dialogue on us, which is very frustrating. I guess fox thinks that we just do a flaping mouth..ugh! A few of my shots suffered from that stupid change. oh well, its done, on to the next one.
I have a feeling the movie will go the way of scooby. Critics will hate it, and kids will love it.
summed up, the animation is very nice, the plot is simple, and the dog that plays odie is awesome (o:
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
Hey Matt,
I just heard some kids quoting the movie yesterday two days befor it opens. I was walking across the street, and heard some kid yelling, "I'm walking the dog." I thought that was pretty cool that they are quoting the previews.
By the way, you guys did an amazing job on that CG Odie. He looks so real. :D
The Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Hey Matt, saw the movie tonight at 7:00pm with the wife and kids, we had some passes for it.
I have to say that I was a skeptic on the the CG Garfield from the first teaser that was shown, but I think you guys pulled it off very well, the animation is from my untrained eye very good and Garfield has an interesting personality. You probably posted this, but can you let us know what where some of the main sequences you worked on, just out of curiosity?
I waited for the credits to reach to the animators (WHO ARE ALMOST AT THE VERY END, WTF???!?!) and saw your name. You should and the rest of the animators should feel very proud.
Now, as far as the movie itself, for me it was very so so. There was barely any story or solid theme in it, and while the dog who played Odie was very good (as a dog actor can be of course) I think the movie would have benefitted from a CG Odie or even all CG pets to keep things visually consistent.
The actors ... oh boy, let's just say that your animated Garfield just overshadowed any performance they provided. To be fair, the movie is called Garfield.
My wife enjoyed the movie, and she used to be a big Garfield fan. My 3 year old liked it, and she didn't know anything (aside from the trailers) about this character.
Sorry, don't want to go all negative on you, but I just wanted to point out my feelings about the movie and of course the animation, which I liked a lot. Anyways, if I survey my house I'm in the minority, so maybe I was just too grumpy to fully enjoy the movie ...
Ah, the scrat mini movie was very good. Is the plan to attach more of these in front of movies, or did they put this one because Garfield is a very short movie?
Garfield in Shrek2
Because this is a thread about Garfield......did anyone else get the tip-o-the-hat to Garfield in Shrek 2? Puss'n'boots at the bar says "I hate Mondays!". That's an infamous Garlield catchphrase.
BTW looking at the trailers there never was a doubt in my mind the Garfield animation was good.
hey everyone!
augusto, i pretty much agree with you, the story is nothing new, and predictable,Its too bad our cat wasn't in a stronger story. But, i still think it is something kids will enjoy. Thanks for staying for the credits, we did the main title character, yet we pushed to the end, oh well, atleast fox gave us credit. half of the crew on scooby 2 didn't get credit. I would have loved to have a cg odie, unfortunately, this wasn't a super huge budget movie, half of the budget went to garfield himself, they just couldn't afford another full cg character...too bad.
graphiteman, i went with a bunch of friends from work, and we all laughed loudly at that joke...although i think we were the only ones in the theater that got it (o:
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
oops, sorry augusto, forgot to tell you what scenes i worked on...I had around 33 shots all around the film, but my favorites where..the scene in the vet where he has the elvis doo, then jumps to the next table. a nice long shot in the pound where he says "this is all a terrible mistake..." the 4 shots with pooky where garfield tells odie he's not aloud to sleep on the bed. A few shots where he gets hit by a pillow, then hits odie back... My absolute favorite was when garfield is trying to get jons attention after seeing odie on tv, he jumps up on the jons desk, and say "odie's on tv, and he's wearing leaderhosen..." then the shot after that as well. It was just a fun shot to do...
when the dvd hits stores i will post my shots on my website.
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
Thanks and those all came out pretty good BTW.
Hey I was curious, from the technical side, when you guys had Garfield in the cage @ the dog pound. Did they film and empty space where he went and then you guys added the bars digitally? Or did you film it with bars and animated it around them. For a sec, I tought the bars looked like maybe they were generated.
Ah, and the only minor flaw I saw with the animation was when any human was holding Garfield. But I don't think that's really an animation problem, because there's so much you can do. Seems like they should have given the actors something to hold on to and then removed it digitally, the worst offender was the guy at the dog pound, but then again, his movement with Garfield was the most complex. Minor detail, btw.
Now when Garfield interacts with Odie, these are really greatly animated and setup scenes. It was incredible how he interacted with the dog and the dog with him, and I was totally sold on these scenes. You guys did a great job here, but the people who filmed the footage with the dog deserve a round of applause.
Yes, it irks me that the animators get the credit all the way down. Yeah, it's great that they put you guys in there, but since you guys brought to life the main character of the movie, you'd think they would list you earlier.
What are you working on next, btw?
hey augusto, don't even get me started about the holding shots. That guard was the worst, nobody wanted that shot. I think the animator made a very nice attempt at it. But his hand movements made it impossible to make it look perfect, i don't think that actor had ever picked up a cat in his life, he clearly had no idea what he was doing. Unfortunatly by the time it gets to us, there is no way to fix it, we have to work around the live action. I totally agree that is the worst part, but that was a problem that came from production, we were forced to deal with their mistake.
the cage had cg bars and real bars...depending on the shot.. :)
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
hi Matt,
it doesn't matter how the scene turned out, i am sure its forgivable.
the fact that you participated and showed how well you can do cg chracters and being involved in such movie, is really amazing.
you will always learn from mistakes, and make them way better.
good luck with the next one.
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I was the only one who laughed too.
Hey Matt,
I was wondering why it was decided that Garfield would speak in the film? I guess I always liked the idea that the reader/viewer of the comic strip and old tv series were listening to Garfield's thoughts and not his voice.:)
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