Hi guys I'm hoping someone can help me. I've got a relatively new PC, but it started misbehaving last week so I ended up having to format it. This seems to have sorted out most of the probs I was having, but there's one prob that's still there - if I export my animation as a Quicktime movie from Adobe Premiere or After Effects using the 'animation' compression, and then try and play it back in Quicktime, my PC can't seem to handle it and just jumps through the whole thing (it plays fine if I use 'DV PAL' compression, but then of course the quality is rubbish). I can't work out why this is happening cos the animation movies in question are only 30 seconds long each, and my PC has plenty of RAM and free hard drive space. Any ideas anyone? I'd really appreciate any replies. Thanks :)
That's pretty weird. But computers are weird. So let's see:
- Did you reinstall Quicktime?
_ Is it the newer version?
- Are you using the original drivers for your video card?
An others thing to check might be the codec you're using, i mean the compressor for QuickTime.
For instance, "Plan RVB" is a good one ( almost no compression), but is taking a lot of resource.
"Animation JPEG A" "Animation JPEG B" "Sorenson Video"... are good compromise.
same thing
I had this same issue a few weeks ago with my demo. Luckily I had a professional there to help me out and get it working.
What this guy did was to change the compressor from Sorenson 3 to DV NTSC (I'm in Canada) and had me check the timeline.
What I noticed was that there were some miniscule gaps in lining up the pieces and that caused something in the program to glitch. Once I tightened that up and changed the compressor, it worked.
Also, you may want to consider if you have different frame rates in your pieces. I had live movie footage plus animations that were at different frame rates and it always seemed to hook on the two pieces that were different.
Good luck getting it working.
Erin ;)
The only thing that is truly yours - that no one can take from you - is your attitude. So if you can take care of that, everything else in life becomes easier. ~unknown